A Conversation for H2G2 A/S Constellations Project

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A27975063 - Andromeda 'the Chained Maiden'
A29125523 - Apus 'Bird of Paradise'
A29019332 - Aquila 'the Eagle'
A27746869 - Cassiopeia - 'the Boastful Queen'
A28387489 - Cygnus 'the Swan'
A28678431 - Gemini 'the Twins'
A395165 - Orion 'the Hunter'
A27371432 - Taurus 'the Bull'
A23965347 - Ursa Major 'the Great Bear'

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A27975063 - Andromeda 'the Chained Maiden'
A29125523 - Apus 'Bird of Paradise'
A29019332 - Aquila 'the Eagle'
A27746869 - Cassiopeia - 'the Boastful Queen'
A28387489 - Cygnus 'the Swan'
A28678431 - Gemini 'the Twins'
A29778916 - Hercules 'the Strongman'
A29848594 - Lyra 'the Lyre'
A395165 - Orion 'the Hunter'
A29779294 - Pegasus 'the Winged Horse'
A29778952 - Perseus 'the Hero'
A27371432 - Taurus 'the Bull'
A23965347 - Ursa Major 'the Great Bear'

Total: 13 Edited

Pending Front Page going *live*
A29878500 - Antlia 'the Air Pump'
A30109222 - Aquarius 'the Water Carrier'
A31367874 - Camelopardalis 'the Giraffe'
A31189557 - Centaurus 'the Centaur'
A31189593 - Cetus 'the Whale'
A31367829 - Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair)
A30466046 - Draco 'the Dragon'
A31367856 - Eridanus 'the River'
A31367928 - Fornax 'the Furnace'
A30466091 - Leo 'the Lion'
A30466064 - Pictor 'the Painter's Easel'

Total 11

Total done so far: 24

Number in Peer Review as at 26 January 2008: 9
Bootes; Cancer; Cepheus; Corona Borealis; Lepus; Monoceros; Ophiuchus; Pisces; Triangulum (33 of 88)

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A27975063 - Andromeda 'the Chained Maiden'
A29878500 - Antlia, the 'Air Pump'
A29125523 - Apus 'Bird of Paradise'
A29019332 - Aquila 'the Eagle'
A27746869 - Cassiopeia - 'the Boastful Queen'
A28387489 - Cygnus 'the Swan'
A30466046 - Draco 'the Dragon'
A28678431 - Gemini 'the Twins'
A29778916 - Hercules 'the Strongman'
A30466091 - Leo 'the Lion'
A29848594 - Lyra 'the Lyre'
A395165 - Orion 'the Hunter'
A29779294 - Pegasus 'the Winged Horse'
A29778952 - Perseus 'the Hero'
A27371432 - Taurus 'the Bull'
A23965347 - Ursa Major 'the Great Bear'

Total: 16 Edited

Pending Front Page going *live*
A30109222 - Aquarius 'the Water Carrier'
A31367874 - Camelopardalis 'the Giraffe'
A31738476 - Cancer 'the Crab'
A31189557 - Centaurus 'the Centaur'
A31189593 - Cetus 'the Whale'
A31367829 - Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair)
A31367856 - Eridanus 'the River'
A31367928 - Fornax 'the Furnace'
A31697229 - Monoceros 'the Unicorn'
A30466064 - Pictor 'the Painter's Easel'

Total 10

Total done so far: 26

Number in Peer Review as at 30 January 2008: 8
Bootes; Cepheus; Corona Borealis; Lepus; Ophiuchus; Pisces; Triangulum; Sagittarius (#34 of 88)

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 4


smiley - spacesmiley - bigeyessmiley - spacesmiley - starsmiley - spacesmiley - starsmiley - spacesmiley - starsmiley - spacesmiley - starsmiley - space

smiley - starsmiley - catsmiley - star

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin
It's looking very impressivesmiley - magicsmiley - star

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A27975063 - Andromeda 'the Chained Maiden'
A29878500 - Antlia, the 'Air Pump'
A29125523 - Apus 'Bird of Paradise'
A30109222 - Aquarius 'the Water Carrier'
A29019332 - Aquila 'the Eagle'
A31367874 - Camelopardalis 'the Giraffe'
A27746869 - Cassiopeia - 'the Boastful Queen'
A31189557 - Centaurus 'the Centaur'
A32061430 - Cepheus 'the King'
A31189593 - Cetus 'the Whale'
A31367829 - Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair)
A28387489 - Cygnus 'the Swan'
A30466046 - Draco 'the Dragon'
A28678431 - Gemini 'the Twins'
A29778916 - Hercules 'the Strongman'
A30466091 - Leo 'the Lion'
A29848594 - Lyra 'the Lyre'
A395165 - Orion 'the Hunter'
A29779294 - Pegasus 'the Winged Horse'
A29778952 - Perseus 'the Hero'
A30466064 - Pictor 'the Painter's Easel'
A27371432 - Taurus 'the Bull'
A32016584 - Triangulum 'the Triangle'
A23965347 - Ursa Major 'the Great Bear'

Total: 24 Edited plus the constellations overview: A32252348
All are recorded on C55844

Recommended/awaiting sub/pending:
A33471001 - Ara 'the Altar'
A32779038 - Bootes 'the Herdsman'
A31738476 - Cancer 'the Crab'
A32779092 - Canis Major 'the Great Dog'
A32778516 - Corona Borealis 'the Northern Crown'
A33827484 - Crux 'the Southern Cross'
A32778877 - Delphinus 'the Dolphin'
A31367856 - Eridanus 'the River'
A31367928 - Fornax 'the Furnace'
A32061412 - Lepus 'the Hare'
A33827501 - Libra 'the Scales'
A31697229 - Monoceros 'the Unicorn'
A32778615 - Ophiuchus 'the Serpent Bearer'
A32016377 - Pisces 'the Fish'
A33471056 - Sagittarius 'the Archer'
Total 15

Total done so far: 39

Number in Peer Review as at 1 April 2008: 3
Scutum; Ursa Minor; Scorpius;

(#42 of 88)

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A29617824 - all the imagessmiley - wow

A27975063 - Andromeda 'the Chained Maiden'
A29878500 - Antlia, the 'Air Pump'
A29125523 - Apus 'Bird of Paradise'
A30109222 - Aquarius 'the Water Carrier'
A29019332 - Aquila 'the Eagle'
A32779038 - Bootes 'the Herdsman'
A31367874 - Camelopardalis 'the Giraffe'
A31738476 - Cancer 'the Crab'
A32779092 - Canis Major 'the Great Dog'
A27746869 - Cassiopeia - 'the Boastful Queen'
A31189557 - Centaurus 'the Centaur'
A32061430 - Cepheus 'the King'
A31189593 - Cetus 'the Whale'
A31367829 - Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair)
A28387489 - Cygnus 'the Swan'
A32778877 - Delphinus 'the Dolphin'
A30466046 - Draco 'the Dragon'
A31367856 - Eridanus 'the River'
A28678431 - Gemini 'the Twins'
A29778916 - Hercules 'the Strongman'
A30466091 - Leo 'the Lion'
A32061412 - Lepus 'the Hare'
A29848594 - Lyra 'the Lyre'
A31697229 - Monoceros 'the Unicorn'
A32778615 - Ophiuchus 'the Serpent Bearer'
A395165 - Orion 'the Hunter'
A29779294 - Pegasus 'the Winged Horse'
A29778952 - Perseus 'the Hero'
A30466064 - Pictor 'the Painter's Easel'
A32016377 - Pisces 'the Fish'
A27371432 - Taurus 'the Bull'
A32016584 - Triangulum 'the Triangle'
A23965347 - Ursa Major 'the Great Bear'
= 33 edited to 28 April 2008

In editorial process:
A33471001 - Ara
A32778516 - Corona Borealis
A33827484 - Crux
A31367928 - Fornax
A33827501 - Libra
A33471056 - Sagittarius
A34088240 - Scutum
(7) [7+33 = 40]

In PR:
Ursa Minor 'the little bear' (GB)
Scorpius 'the Scorpion' (GB)
Hydra 'the Sea Serpent' (GB)
Piscis Austrinus 'the Southern Fish' (Shagbark)
Vulpecula 'the Fox' (GB)
(5) [5+40 = 45]
45 constellations done at 28 April, 2008 smiley - starHappy birthday hootoosmiley - star
smiley - starsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - bubblysmiley - star

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 8


That does not include the four deke was going to do on Argo
Is this still forthcoming?

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

It's on holdsmiley - ok

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Four constellations picked from PR today: Piscis Austrinis; Scorpius; Ursa Minor; Vulpecula.

A29617824 - all the images

A27975063 - Andromeda 'the Chained Maiden'
A29878500 - Antlia, the 'Air Pump'
A29125523 - Apus 'Bird of Paradise'
A30109222 - Aquarius 'the Water Carrier'
A29019332 - Aquila 'the Eagle'
A32779038 - Bootes 'the Herdsman'
A31367874 - Camelopardalis 'the Giraffe'
A31738476 - Cancer 'the Crab'
A32779092 - Canis Major 'the Great Dog'
A27746869 - Cassiopeia - 'the Boastful Queen'
A31189557 - Centaurus 'the Centaur'
A32061430 - Cepheus 'the King'
A31189593 - Cetus 'the Whale'
A31367829 - Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair)
A32778516 - Corona Borealis 'the Northern Crown'
A28387489 - Cygnus 'the Swan'
A32778877 - Delphinus 'the Dolphin'
A30466046 - Draco 'the Dragon'
A31367856 - Eridanus 'the River'
A31367928 - Fornax 'the Furnace'
A28678431 - Gemini 'the Twins'
A29778916 - Hercules 'the Strongman'
A30466091 - Leo 'the Lion'
A32061412 - Lepus 'the Hare'
A29848594 - Lyra 'the Lyre'
A31697229 - Monoceros 'the Unicorn'
A32778615 - Ophiuchus 'the Serpent Bearer'
A395165 - Orion 'the Hunter'
A29779294 - Pegasus 'the Winged Horse'
A29778952 - Perseus 'the Hero'
A30466064 - Pictor 'the Painter's Easel'
A32016377 - Pisces 'the Fish'
A27371432 - Taurus 'the Bull'
A32016584 - Triangulum 'the Triangle'
A23965347 - Ursa Major 'the Great Bear'
= 35 edited to 30 April 2008

In editorial process:
A33471001 - Ara
A33827484 - Crux
A33827501 - Libra
A35471892 - Piscis Austrinus 'the Southern Fish'
A33471056 - Sagittarius
A35471856 - Scorpius
A34088240 - Scutum
A35471883 - Ursa Minor
A35471919 - Vulpecula
(9) [9+35 = 44]

In PR:

Hydra 'the Sea Serpent' (GB)
Aries 'the Ram' (Deke)
(2) [2+44 = 46]
46 constellations done at 2 May, 2008

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

In PR:
Hydra 'the Sea Serpent' (GB)
Aries 'the Ram' (Deke)
Capricornus 'the Sea Goat'
(3) [3+44 = 47]
47 constellations done at 2 May, 2008

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Capricornus 'the Sea Goat' (Shagbark)

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

5 May submitted Canes Venatici 'the Hunting Dogs' to Peer Review (GB)


Edited constellations in the EG

Post 14


If my reconing is right the only constellations left north of the equator are: Equulus,Lacerta,Lynx,Serpens,Sagitta,and Virgo.
ande I most definitely am NOT going to do Virgo.

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 15


smiley - erm I left out Leo Minor. Maybe I'll do that next.

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 16


Lmi is a very curious little thing. I may not even be able to use the standard heading on the star chart gbecause it was created after Bayer assigned letters and borrowed from other constellations.

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm doing Virgo as soon as I've done Canis Minor.

Shall I put you on A29617824 for Leo Minor?

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 18


Yes, I am doing Leo Minor.

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 19

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - ok

Edited constellations in the EG

Post 20


Just wanted to pop in to say this was a brilliant idea for a project, congratulations for working so hard and having completed so many already, and good luck with the rest! smiley - bubbly

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