A Conversation for The Office Of The Lord Captain Commander Of The Knights Of h2g2

The center of The Stronghold

Post 21

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


*bounces off closing gates*smiley - doh

smiley - injured

Ah well...

*wanders back*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 22


*Listens closely*

Yeah, you hear that? She didn't make it out. Even if she did, there's still the forest of bad odds of returning. It looks like we lost Arl, but picked up Sarge!

*begins thinking about the uses of the new dungeon*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 23

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*comes back in, and sulks in the corner*

Should we be helping with the whole assimilation thing going on in here too?smiley - erm

The center of The Stronghold

Post 24


It would probably be a good idea to get rid of these borg...

*Ambles over to a borg and decides to do something about it.*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 25

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Can we link the threads then?smiley - smiley

The center of The Stronghold

Post 26

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*goes to <./>F89071?thread=187364&skip=0&show=20</.>

The center of The Stronghold

Post 27

Uncle Heavy [sic]

oh no! this is all so terrible! and all we wanted to do was keep arl a hostage!

The center of The Stronghold

Post 28

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Well if they get me, they get my cupboard and therefore Arl, so watch itsmiley - winkeye

The center of The Stronghold

Post 29


Who is this Arl?

The center of The Stronghold

Post 30

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

It's a very very very long story - this chase you just joined has been going on since september from scene to scene. It started when I invaded the Musehome F51888?thread=139366 and it ended after I dismembered Arl (Arlechinno U179295) in a red rage then flamethrowered him, blew him up with grenades, drove a tank over him and scattered his pieces to the four winds. smiley - blush I was a bit stressed at the time but I did you a real good job with the dismemberement - you'd be proud of me smiley - winkeye

Any road I held a big Armistice party at F51888?thread=140805&skip=0&show=20 at which we kidnapped Arl and have been running from the cats ever since. Arl will be offline until the summer so we take great liberties with him whilst he's not here smiley - ok

Told you it was a long one

The center of The Stronghold

Post 31


Well, If we wind up with him, our dungeon is always available. Down the right corridor, down the stairs, can't miss it!

The Black Paladin is my most trusted friend. smiley - smiley

The center of The Stronghold

Post 32

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Ya know, if my cat days weren't over, I'd lock you up in the aforementioned dungeon right now... Could somebody PLEASE pay me to lock Red up?

Oh, and don't take Sarge, she's my security guard and I wouldn't need somebody to pay me so that I could attack you all...

The center of The Stronghold

Post 33

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - tongueout dont forget Capt that you tried that before with two of my clones - I still have the pile of money you gave me to uncapture them smiley - winkeye

The center of The Stronghold

Post 34

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*shuts RD up with a smaller pile of money*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 35

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Ta smiley - biggrin

*goes very quiet*

*not a peep*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 36


Ah hah...

Well, to me it seems that we need a temporary alliance.

The center of The Stronghold

Post 37

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

erm...I think that may be wise. The cats are involved toosmiley - erm

The center of The Stronghold

Post 38

Uncle Heavy [sic]

whats going on with all this borg malarkey?

The center of The Stronghold

Post 39

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

I wonder if Sea's still feline leader? Well, she can't be... SM, you're #1 most wanted...

The center of The Stronghold

Post 40

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

That doesn't make me a leader though...we don't really have them, with the cats...smiley - erm

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