The Office Of The Lord Captain Commander Of The Knights Of h2g2
Created | Updated May 1, 2002
Sitting in the middle of the room is a mahogany desk, inlaid with gold and alabaster. Behind the desk sits Mystrunner, drinking a glass of tea and reading a Robert Jordan book. Bookshelves line the room, all occupied by books, save one, which is occupied by two moogles playing cards. They look up when you enter, and then go back to their game.
I'm Mystrunner, and I founded this organization. Or club. Whatever. If you have any questions at all, you can simply post here, and I can assure you I'll get to you right away. Help yourself to a fresh baked cookie while you're at it. Stu, our chef, does a marvelous job. * Munches on a cookie *
You can apply here for an office, if you want one. Only the chosen leaders are eligable, though. Sorry.