A Conversation for The Office Of The Lord Captain Commander Of The Knights Of h2g2

The center of The Stronghold

Post 1


*The wormhole opens, and Mystrunner lands running*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*is sucked into the stronghold and lands so badly it forces the wind out of him*

Oooff !!

What is this place ?

The center of The Stronghold

Post 3


*Looks around... and pales*

My office. Oh, god.

The center of The Stronghold

Post 4

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*cupboard door opens*

*SM stumbles out, obviously being pushed from the other side*

*lands flat on her face*smiley - yikessmiley - groan

The center of The Stronghold

Post 5


Hello! What are you doing?

The center of The Stronghold

Post 6

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*looks up, a little disorientated*

Falling through me cupboard, it seems...at least you haven't got Arl heresmiley - erm

He must be lost in the depths!smiley - yikes

The center of The Stronghold

Post 7

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Hmmm, nice office Mystrunner ....

*walks around examining artifacts and momentoes*

... sort of Lord Commander of the Whitecloaks meets Corporate Vice President.

*notices then presses intercom on Mystrunners monumental desk*

Two, no make it three coffees and some nice biscuits please.

Sorry - always wanted to do that smiley - biggrin

The center of The Stronghold

Post 8

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*arrives through a briefly open interdimensional rift*

honestly...never enough time to get settled

The center of The Stronghold

Post 9

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*stands up, feeling a little outnumbered- again*

And while you're not there, too...

The center of The Stronghold

Post 10


Actually, you're more than a little outnumbered. This is the Castle.

*Dramatic music plays*

...The Castle Anthrax! I know, I know, it's not a very good name is it?

The center of The Stronghold

Post 11

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*sits in ornate leather armchair behind desk and starts spinning*

Wheeeeeeeeee smiley - silly

The center of The Stronghold

Post 12


*Wonders nowhat?*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 13

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

It is here! It must be! I saw it! I seek the Grail!smiley - bigeyes

The center of The Stronghold

Post 14



Oh noo...

The center of The Stronghold

Post 15

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*starts looking under pot plants and in the filing cabinet for the grail*

The center of The Stronghold

Post 16

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*wanders over to the filing cabinet and looks at Mystrunners Knights of H2G2 official correspondance. Selects a letter at random and starts to read*

...... and further to your letter of the 25th I wish to confirm our instruction in regard of the order for 30 sets of 'M" monogrammed silk underwear, these to be delivered promptly to myself at the above address. Please note the special instruction for wrapping and the essential necessity for extreme discretion.

Yours truly

Mystrunner (Miss)

Oh Oh smiley - laugh

The center of The Stronghold

Post 17

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*raises an eyebrow at RD*smiley - erm

*reads over his shoulder*

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh....

*realises she's in someone else's office with two potential enemies and laughing at one of them*...

...ah ha...hasmiley - erm

smiley - run

The center of The Stronghold

Post 18


*Glances at Sarge's retrating form.*

We probably should bar the gates... smiley - erm

...or we could go to the bar?

The center of The Stronghold

Post 19

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - biggrin ...... I like it here, it's .... interesting smiley - winkeye

Do you have a mini bar in the office ?

The center of The Stronghold

Post 20


A small one.

*motions behind desk*

Help yourself.

*Presses intercom*

Hey, Torg? Yeah, close the gates, hmm? Thanks!

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