A Conversation for Talking Point: How should the BBC be funded?

Licence or Excise

Post 121

vork the cat

in reference to your question originally, no I don't believe it is an excise tax but a licence because of the fact that even if harassed about it you still are not financially liable for it unless you agree to it. ie thay can't take you to a collections agent if you don't pay it for 10 years so long as you can reasonably prove that you do not in fact use their services. as one person was saying he does not pay the fee because even though he does have a tv all he uses it for is videogames and movies on vhs, I think he would be hard pressed to PROVE he doesn't use it while someone who cannot use their services such as a person who gets horrible reception without an aerial antenna (and doesn't have an aerial antenna) might find it easier to prove.
Think of this however, if you're watching tv and feel that advertisements are simply a waste of time, how much time is wasted by them in the course of an afternoon or evening? here in the states we see roughly 7 minutes of commercials for every half-hour tv program, how much is it worth to you not to have that kind of harassment. How much is your time worth, I'll bet it's worth enough to add to more than the fee is for wasted time...
I would gladly pay the US $10 ? per month if it saved me that many commercials.

Licence or Excise

Post 122


well said smiley - smiley

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