A Conversation for THE FLAT CAP AND MUFFLER SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB - Affiliated and Categorised

The Bar

Post 641

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

oh yes, me mum still lives in Beechiff, i have to get over there this year if at all possible, maybe in october?

i'll let you know.

glad to hear about the results of the strike...does this mean that bus services will be improved?

alec.smiley - clown

The Bar

Post 642


Do u use the BBC site for news from this area ??,,,if not,click the "where I live" bit & type in Sheffield...theres some pics on there of the centre etc...

I doubt the bus services will improve much,our city is "Tram orientated" !!...most of funds go to them....the roads r like cobble's wiv all the digging thats dun over the years...

Its late now,I better be off to bed...spk soon ??


The Bar

Post 643

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

smiley - cheers

The Bar

Post 644

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - injured

OK, so I'll stay out of here entirely when it's windysmiley - tongueout

The Bar

Post 645


Alec...is all ok now ?

The Bar

Post 646


*Wanders in, helps self to smiley - ale and settles down on an armchair in the corner*

Ah, Friday. Excellent! Wonder if any o' t'others are around to-neight...?

Julessmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 647


Jules,,,Hi,,,have we chatted b4 ? smiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 648


Hi Meisere! smiley - smiley

No, I don't think we've met here before.

Are you a Northern type?

The Bar

Post 649


Jules,,,smiley - erm...it depends if yer call Sheffield North ??? smiley - biggrin

The Bar

Post 650


Given that I were born in Rotherham, o'course I flippin do!

Julessmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 651


J...r u living in Roth now ?....Many yonks ago I worked at Wellgate,some flats that were being built,,,r they still standing ??smiley - rofl..

The Bar

Post 652


No, not living there now, smiley - wah

I dunno about those flats I'm afraid.

Are you not up there either now then?

The Bar

Post 653


I used to work there...now the work I do I get a large company vehicle !! smiley - biggrin

The Bar

Post 654


...a train?!

...a plane?!

The Bar

Post 655


smiley - erm close,,I drive a bussmiley - biggrin...how long u been on hootoo then ?

The Bar

Post 656


A bus!

Yellow, green, red...?

I hope you're the nice kind of bus driver who doesn't mind too much if I haven't got the right change (I really do try!).

I've been on hootoo since around March this year.

I hang about various bits of the site and like to dabble a bit in Peer Review, where the important Guide Entry stuff happens.

Julessmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 657


Hello again Jules smiley - winkeye
If yer on hootoo at this time of night,pop in the Pheonix Tea shop thread,(scroll down my convo's,u will find it) u might just have a laugh or 5smiley - biggrin.
I'v been on hootoo about 3 yrs now,the 1st 2 were on & off etc...
smiley - erm...inbetween forgettin my passwords blah blah blah smiley - winkeye
Oh,I nearly 4got,I work for 1st bus,u know,the slave drivers who r still tryin to con us !!(but thats another topic of convo eh ????
Do u speak to anyone else from round sheff or roth ?
smiley - smiley

Btw,my names Gazza

The Bar

Post 658


Hi Gazza,

will have to check out the tea shop, thanks.

I haven't found many folk from that area on hootoo really.

Gotta rush now but will be around at the weekend I think smiley - run

The Bar

Post 659



I work late shifts so more than likely I'll be online just after double "O" coconut blob,,smiley - erm midnightsmiley - biggrin...catch yer then yeah ?

smiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 660


Hi - doesn't really matter if we're around at the same time I guess, we can just have a slow chat!

Am watching England having a rubbish innings in the cricket final. Didn't used to like cricket but recently got into it a bit more.

It's raining and we had people round last night so am vegging out in front of the TV today.

Julessmiley - smiley

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