A Conversation for The Offices

This goes against all ideas of procrastination...

Post 1


but i thought i should postsmiley - winkeye

This goes against all ideas of procrastination...

Post 2

Evil Zombie Strider

That's ok. It won't be the Chamber of Procrastination for too much longer anyway.

smiley - footprints

This goes against all ideas of procrastination...

Post 3

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

oooo, what'll it be?

This goes against all ideas of procrastination...

Post 4

Evil Zombie Strider

Offices/help desk apparently...

smiley - footprints

This goes against all ideas of procrastination...

Post 5


same thing...

This goes against all ideas of procrastination...

Post 6


Pretty much, it'll be a spot where you should be able to contact someone who holds a position here, like to get a bed, for example. You would post in Wargamer's Office, and if he has it that he will be notified of new conversations, he should be able to find you.

This goes against all ideas of procrastination...

Post 7

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

i see smiley - cool

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