A Conversation for The Offices

A Dragon Roost

Post 1


This is a request for a dragon roost. Tewdric (my dragon) has been very busy recently guarding a clutch of eggs he found in the forest. They'll hatch soon and I don't think Sir Stu will want them left in the spare oven. It doesn't take all that long for the 'Black Mountain Giants' to reach maturity so we should have air borne knights soon smiley - magic!

Please can I have somewhere to keep them smiley - grovel.

A Dragon Roost

Post 2


sounds like a great idea!

A Dragon Roost

Post 3


Yes, I like it. We're already going to be building a Guymelif Hanger (See in the R & D Department), and a Dragon Roost would go along nicely...

Would it be in one of the Towers?

A Dragon Roost

Post 4


what is a guymalif?

A Dragon Roost

Post 5


Yes, a tower would be great. smiley - smiley

A Dragon Roost

Post 6


A guymelif is rather like a thirty to fourty meter, nine ton suit of clockwork driven armour...

And I'll get to work on that roost...

A Dragon Roost

Post 7


smiley - cheers

A Dragon Roost

Post 8


Allright! It's done.

A Dragon Roost

Post 9


smiley - biggrin

*jumping up and down with excitment *

where, where?

A Dragon Roost

Post 10


Up on the Battlements. You can't miss them...

A Dragon Roost

Post 11


smiley - run

A Dragon Roost

Post 12


smiley - cheers It's perfect for them.

Just a thought but could I have a small room up there so I can keep and eye on things?

A Dragon Roost

Post 13


Fine by me. Have you any positions here?

If not, may I dub you the Keeper of The Dragons?

A Dragon Roost

Post 14


No formal positon, Keeper of Dragons would be great.

A Dragon Roost

Post 15


Great! I'll put it on a plaque in the Roosts. smiley - biggrin

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