A Conversation for Birth sign poll - Astro-logica - H2G2 Astrology Guild.


Post 1

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Any Librans out there? C'mon, stop procrastinating and let yourself be heard.....

Libran and Proud!


Post 2

Fire Bat

i'm Libra! what's that chart above? what does it mean?


Post 3


The chart shows the glyphs of the Zodiac signs and the groups to which they belong.

The glyph of Libra represents the Scales, the '+' shows it is a positive sign. It is one of the three 'Air' signs and also one of the four Cardinal signs.

Each sign covers 30 degrees of the circle of the Zodiac but due to the Earth's wobble they no longer coincide with the constelations of the same name. The Zodiac starts at the First point of Aries which is the point at which the sun's path crosses the equaror at the spring equinox.

The fourth box in the middle shows the number of reseachers who have responded so far, the average and the standard deviation.

Alji,(Member of The H2G2 Guild of Wizards @ U197895)


Post 4

Fire Bat

whats a "Cardinal" sign?


Post 5


Cardinal signs are said to be volatile - active and forcefull.
The Cardinal points mark the tropics and equinoxes and the points of the compass North, South, East and West.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards U197895)


Post 6


Im a Libra too - is this the full poll or is there something else to click?


Post 7

Fire Bat

I think that that's the poll.


Post 8


Then there should be something exciting to answer here . . okay here's a question for all the Librans out there - what's the best part about being a Libran?

And the worst?


Post 9

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

The best part for me is the ability to see all sides of an opinion or argument....which then leads on nicely to the worst part - not being able to make up my mind which side to agree with/which action to take!
smiley - ermsmiley - flusteredsmiley - doh


Post 10


I'm a Libran as well smiley - biggrin.

Best Part of Being a Libran: I can handle all sorts of people with different attitudes.

Worst Part of... : I take pains in pleasing just about anybody!


Post 11


Not that I expect anyone to care but tomorrow's my birthday. I'll no longer be a teen. *sigh*


Post 12

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Happy Birthday!!
smiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - strawberriessmiley - giftsmiley - magicsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheers


Post 13


Gracias! smiley - biggrin


Post 14

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

so how does it feel to no longer be a teen?

Look at it this way, no-one can say that you're "just a teenager" any more...


Post 15


As of last week, I'm now no longer a twenty-something smiley - winkeye
But I am Libra. I too find the being able to see different points of view pretty good, but can never make up my mind!


Post 16

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

ahhh....it's my turn next year to no longer be a 20-something. smiley - yuk

Happy Birthday Toccata! smiley - bubbly


Post 17


It's been merely a week since I turned twenty so I can't say there's already much difference. Although I may not have liked to age another year, I know too well that it's inevitable. Might as well deal with reality. smiley - yawn


Post 18


Hello! I am new this week and am also a Libra. And as another coincidence I turned 20 in September and your right there's not much difference at all! I wish I was still in those times where ages meant something. Like whether you were able to drive a car or not!

I've heard that the first six signs of the zodiac were mostly concerned with themselves and the last six were concerned with their relationships with other people(that's us!). If so, then I would have to say the hardest part to being a Libra is being able to try to relate to someone of the first six signs, when they don't take the same consideration to do the same.


Post 19


I'm a nice outgoing Gemini (but I have got a Libra ascendant). Nice to see a new face around here (though I can't realy see it).

Alji ,{Guru},smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Join The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)smiley - surfer


Post 20


Oops! I didn't mean to make offense! I was mostly thinking of my boyfriend(whose a Taurus), because he forgot my birthday. Now that I look back at what I wrote I see it did sound a little too resentful, didn't it? I'm sorry!

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