A Conversation for Scottish meet, Edinburgh, 11th May 2002

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 1


Personally, I'd be up for a laserquest rematch, considering how disadvantaged I was the last time. I'd be lighter on my feet as well, with less hair.

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 2


King of the hill - everyone vs LiS. Yep, I could go for that smiley - winkeye

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 3


Hey, it'll be May. It should be sunny(ish) out. Why not do something fresh air orientated. Frisbee, rounders, something like that? Can always go indoors if it rains.

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 4


Now there's a plan. Up at the meadows? There's a bar quite near there that's okay, if only I could remember the name... smiley - erm

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 5

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

So, you all want to get me back for the LaserQuest fiasco, do you? Well, I'll let you know that if we do it again, I'll be ready for you.. Muahahahah.... How about paintball if we want to do it outdoors? *evilgrinsmiley*

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 6


Ooh... I've never tried that! smiley - ermBut how much would it cost?

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 7

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

I think you can get pretty good deals for a day out at ta paint ball centre if you book well in advance (and you show up on time) and you're a bigger group.
I've never tried it either, but at least if we go paint-balling, there's no excuses that my pack isn't working and that no-one can shoot me, like last time.smiley - smiley

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 8


Arrive on time... what do you mean?smiley - flustered

I wouldn't mind trying that, so long as it's not too pricey.smiley - smiley Be less likely to bump into things and knock other Questers out too.smiley - winkeye


Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 9


I've put it on the list of possible things to do smiley - smiley

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 10

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

There are many nice pubs near the meadows actually Dr G.
The meadows bar, aka the Moo Bar,
The Junction (not as nice as it used to be smiley - sadface )

Then only slightly further way - maybe 5 minutes rather than 2 - there is the Maltings.

Or maybe you mean Proctors? smiley - yikes

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 11


do they have a DJ on in The Meadows Bar sometimes? If so, it's a bit, er, ropey. Unless it's been refurbished. Or maybe I'm thinking of someplace else entirely.

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 12

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Found some info about a site that has lots of info regarding paint ball, if we decide on that. bedlam followed by the usual commercial UK-website ending.:-) It's got prices (they start at �20/head inc VAT) and they also have directions for the venues as well. Apparently, it's only about 5 minutes away from the city centre by car, not far from the Heriot Watt University by the A71. I listed some more detailed info in the "Spring Meet 2002" thread at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F73037?thread=164372&post=1710197#p1710197

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 13

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*nudges LiS and reminds him that we're allowed to use proper URLs in postings now*
smiley - smiley

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 14

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

smiley - doh Forgot about that.. Well, here goes, then.. The website for the paintball place is www.bedlam.co.uk and if you go to the "Stag and Hen Weekend" section (yeah, yeah, so we're not going for a stag or hen weekend, but it's got the best info), and choose "Activities" and then "Pulseracin' Paintball", you've got the pricing and what is included in the packages.
If you instead go to the "Bedlam Paintball" section from the first page, you'll be able to find the directions and maps and stuff for their Paintball Arena (and a pretty nice-looking practice-game powered by Shockwave smiley - smiley).

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 15

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

And for a clickable link: http://www.bedlam.co.uk

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 16


smiley - run *puff, pant, wheeze*
2 possible thoughts I had for things to do are:
1)Dynamic Earth - http://www.dynamicearth.co.uk/dynamic.html
Open 10-6 group cost (12+ peoples): Adult-£6.45, Student/UB40-£4.50

2)Just found this out today smiley - winkeye Art of StarWars Exhibition, only Scottish venue: http://www.cac.org.uk/venues/starwars.html
which is here: http://www.cac.org.uk/venues/cac.htm
Cost seems to be free but the site hasn't been updated since it opened this last weekend, so....

Just a couple of ideas. *shrug*
smiley - run

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 17

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

What on earth is Babel-17 doing posting before 6 am ?

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 18


I'd thought about the SW exhibition meself. It is good - I saw it down in London. Not sure if it will be free though - it cost £10 when I saw it.

Ah, just found it. Admission: adults £6.00, concessions £4.50, family ticket £16.00.

Other point I would make is that it wouldn't take up more than about an hour or so. Of course, you might see that as a good thing smiley - winkeye

Dynamic earth looks interesting though...

I'll put them on the list anyway.

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 19


About a month to go, people smiley - biggrin. So, what are we doing then? More important, what pub are we going to? smiley - winkeye

So far, all the suggestions seem to be round about the city centre (except for the paintballing, which seems to be outside most budgets anyway). If we want to be terribly spontaneous we could just turn up, go to the park if the weather is good, and find something else to do if not (laserquest, bowling, Star Wars exhibition). The ghost walks look like they need booking in advance, ditto the Dynamic Earth if we want the group discount.

Have to think about hotels as well...

Things to do that aren't drinking

Post 20

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

DO we even have a first gathering point yet?

If we are hoping for nice weather, so we can go to the Meadows, do we want to decide to meet somewhere near the Meadows? And what about later on - have we got a pub decided upon? These are all within reasonable distance of the meadows:

The Moo Bar is close to the meadows, and has a room upstairs which is often pretty empty.

Then there is the Bruntsfield Links Hotel, where the beer would be cheaper, but possibly less space available...

Droughty Neebors iis a great pub, but likely to be packed...

the Pear Tree has a beer "Garden" open all year round (I say "garden" because its mainly cobble stones, not grass, not that cobbles is the right word for them in edinburgh but anyway) with plenty of benches outside, could be an ok place to start in the daytime....

The Junction does pretty goof food, the 1/4 Gill wont be too busy, The Abbey shouldnt be too expensive, the Blind POet is conveniently next door to the PearTree,

ect ect ect smiley - smiley

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