A Conversation for The Conversation Killer

Conversation Killers

Post 61

Researcher 185550

Like I said, I need a quantum mechanic to look at it. Remembering what happened last time....

Conversation Killers

Post 62


So, what happened last time, then?

Conversation Killers

Post 63

Researcher 185550

You went to bed and weren't sure you'd wake up the same shape in the morning.

Conversation Killers

Post 64


Oh, yeah, I remember that. I was wondering whose fault that was.

Conversation Killers

Post 65

Researcher 185550

Sorry smiley - grovel. It's just that I was trying to win something, and so I decided to play around with my quantum just to make sure it happened.

Conversation Killers

Post 66


Oh, well, as long as you were using dishonest means to win something, I guess it's alright.

Conversation Killers

Post 67

Researcher 185550

Red Dog has been informed of the whereabouts of the CK page, using the new very sexy link thing, but I d'no if he'll reply. It was a long time since I started the CK conversation on the ACF science page.

Conversation Killers

Post 68


Sexy link?


Hmmm...Actually, now that you mention it, I guess it is kinda sexy if you view it from a certain angle.


Yeah, baby, you can link my web page all night long.

Conversation Killers

Post 69

Researcher 185550

One of the many inappropriate adjectives I use. But the links are still very sexy.

Conversation Killers

Post 70


Inappropriately sexy.

Or maybe sexily inappropriate.

Conversation Killers

Post 71

Researcher 185550

Both. RRRRRawl!

Conversation Killers

Post 72


smiley - biggrin

smiley - grrRRRRaw!

smiley - yikes

smiley - run

Conversation Killers

Post 73

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

An ode to the sexiness of a link:
O link, thy divine letters and numbers are without compare,
When I click you, you take me here, and there, and there.
Though first you are yellow, then you go orange,
And sometimes even white, though that really is strange.
Oh sexy link! By you I am nought,
You shall be eternally formost in my thouhts.
C'mere tiger! smiley - kiss

Conversation Killers

Post 74


Ooh...That's...um...kinda creepy...

Conversation Killers

Post 75

Researcher 185550

Made it up as I went along.

Conversation Killers

Post 76


I though maybe it was one of Shakespeare's more obscure sonnets.

Conversation Killers

Post 77

Researcher 185550

No. Sonnets are fourteen lines and written in iambic pentameters, I think. smiley - geek

Conversation Killers

Post 78


Yeah...I thought maybe...He was trying something new...

Conversation Killers

Post 79

Researcher 185550

Well, it might have been 1/3 of a sonnet.

Conversation Killers

Post 80


Or maybe a limerick.

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