A Conversation for The Freedom From Faith Foundation


Post 2241


Please don't discuss it here, the new editorial policy that's in effect will only cause lots of postings to be hidden, so there's no point. See <./>Announcements</.> if you didn't catch the initial message about that.

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2242

Gone again

Judging by the disappearance of TG's and my most recent postings, I assume that comment on the Iraq crisis is not welcome or appropriate. I apologise if my postings have caused offence to anyone, although I would be surprised to find that they had....


"Who cares, wins"

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2243

Gone again

No, MaW, I hadn't seen the announcement. Thanks for the pointer. The censors have battened down the hatches for the duration of the war, it seems. Oh well, it's not as if such actions are unusual at such times....

Nice weather we're having, don't you think?


"Who cares, wins"

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2244


Well, it's happened before - Afghanistan triggered the same policy, as did the last UK general election. I just wish people wouldn't act so surprised about it.

In other news, I have had to reluctantly accept that there may be such a thing as ultimate truth when it comes to religion. This is largely because I can't figure out how it is possible for a Christian to be right about ultimate truth being with their God, when I'm convinced my Gods and Goddesses are right.

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2245

Gone again

Y'mean as in "I have access to the One And Only Truth. You disagree with me, therefore you're wrong!"? smiley - winkeye

Slightly more seriously: I do see what you mean. smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2246

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

HI P-C and MaW smiley - smiley.

Sorry if I've been neglectful of this forum of late but I'm busy at work and I'm getting married on Saturday, so things have been somewhat hectic.

Unfortunately for most 'the truth' is far too broad a canvas for any single philosophy, religion or science to encompass more than a ragged corner of it.

We druids constantly seek out truth, and truths, in order that we may begin to gain an insight into the workings of the universe and the divine nature of being. We are possibly the only organised(?) religion to recognise that we don't know the whole truth, and we marvel at/despair of those who claim to.

It's a long road and oftimes weary, but each hilltop uncovers such vistas as to overwhelm the unprepared mind. So we trudge on through many lifetimes that we may share what litle wisdom we garner upon the journey, and perchance, from time to time, uncover another truth.

Matholwch /|\.

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2247

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

oh look, it appears that having an independant thought is still taboo here. oh well, i enjoyed it while it lasted.

I'm off to tune in CNN and drool like a zombie.

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2248

NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625)

It's not taboo, but such topics brings out the worst in some people, and spark of really huge numbers of posts. I think it's perfectly reasonable to want those posts in one place where it's easy to keep an eye on them and weed out the bad stuff.


Post 2249

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

This post has been removed.

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2250


Hi Math smiley - smiley

I don't claim to know the truth, but I cannot see how the differing versions of what we do know can be reconciled into one truth which doesn't contradict itself. How could Christianity and Wicca possibly both be entirely correct at the same time? It just doesn't make any sense.

Perhaps one day I'll find out, but until then...

This came out of a discussion with some of my Christian housemates, by the way. In an attempt to ensure they know that I respect their beliefs, I kind of spun around in several circles and ended up firstly fudging up my case entirely and secondly coming to this realisation.

Ooops I got moderated again.

Post 2251

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

My bad. Sorry about that. I will now and henceforth say only moderate things, and I will not mention or allude to <>.

My but the world is a lovely place. Nothing going on today. No sir. Nothing at all to think or talk about here.

Did anybody catch that there sporting event? I hear the mercenaries hired by one city were able to defeat the mercenaries hired by the other city.

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2252

Gone again

Well one logical deduction I have made is that claims to Exclusive Truth *must* be false, for the reason of contradiction that you mention. 'The Truth', if the concept makes sense, must be a more inclusive thing. Perhaps more along the lines that Math follows?


"Who cares, wins"

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2253

Gone again

smiley - oksmiley - cheers Blessings on you both! smiley - biggrin A druidic ceremony?


"Who cares, wins"

Is there a spiritual side of war?

Post 2254


Yes, that would be a better way of putting it I think. I'm having some difficulty articulating this particular concept.


Post 2255


Pattern Chaser said I might find this interesting. I see we're not supposed to mention that thing that's diverting attention from more stories about Kylie's bottom. Oh well. Let's do God then.


Post 2256


What about Kylie's bottom? smiley - drool

I see you're new to the site, why not write a little about yourself on your 'My Space' and choose yourself a witty, descriptive or, if you prefer, a boring nickname?


Post 2257


Ah yes, just noticed the nickname thing. That's better. How many lies do you want to hear?


Post 2258

NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625)

I'm not doing god. First of all I don't believe in him, second i don't swing that way, and if I remember correctly he's had some harsh words to say on the practice.

Sorry about that, but I'm in need of some humourous relief from bleak reality. smiley - smiley


Post 2259


Don't blame you.

smiley - ale anyone?


Post 2260


smiley - cheers

Thanks MaW

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