A Conversation for The Freedom From Faith Foundation


Post 2261


No problem.

smiley - bubbly


Post 2262

Gone again

Hi ChromaBlue - you made it over, then? Things've been a little quiet here lately. Not too long ago, we used to have a 'religion of the week', each of which had an elected champion. Ah, the Good Olde Days! smiley - winkeye

If you do the job properly, you will elect to join our little band, and select your chair (as in the Chair of Linguistics at Cambridge, except that the titles of our chairs are more, er, adventurous than that! smiley - winkeye). Then GTB will come along and add you to the roll of honour (smiley - huh), along with the rest of us. For example, my chair is "Lupine Ambassador to the Court of Selene smiley - fullmoon", which (as you can see) is pretty staid and conformist. Some of the locals here are quite zany....


"Who cares, wins"


Post 2263


* bows in as the discontented Professor of Discontent *

Err... is that even my title? I can't remember!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 2264


What's all this about chairs? I'm sitting down all day and believe me it plays havoc with the old chalfonts. Can I have a stand instead of a chair? Thanks.


Post 2265

Gone again

Would you care to specify a title for your 'stand', so that GTB can include you on our homepage? [I'm assuming you *want* to be included on our home page?]

How about "Leader of leading prog band 'Big Block 454'" as a title? smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"


Post 2266

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

Welcome, Chromablue

I'm kinda new here myself and often very confused

But I like to throw my two cents in every so often

smiley - 2cents

in regards to the whole "Ultimate Truth" thing:
< smiley - geek> I believe that there definitely is an "Ultimate Truth," but it's not anything human words can explain. Once every other blue moon I figure it out intuitively for a moment, and then it's gone again. Religion seems to be an attempt to figure out what it is and put it into words, traditions, etc. - but that doesn't work because religion is a human invention, and Truth is not. It really bothers me when people/institutions refuse to admit that they haven't got it all figured out, especially when they act in blatant opposition to their own teachings.< / smiley - geek>

~ Alex


Post 2267


Yes, that is rather annoying isn't it? It's one of the things I like about being a hedge witch, we don't claim to know everything. We do, however, attempt to find out as much of 'everything' as possible.


Post 2268

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

I, on the other hand, know nothing except that I know I know nothing.


Post 2269

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I also know that Twophlag knows nothing. smiley - winkeye


Post 2270


I know very little compared to the amount of knowledge there is available.


Post 2271

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

There is no knowledge available, ergo you also know nothing.

Had some fun rereading the conversation threads appended to my old "God" entry; man, the Christians really lined up for a stomping. Fond memories. I got such a rush out of crushing that ddombrow guy.

I've been busiesh with school, and not wanting to see my efforts there slide into total oblivion, I touched up some of the papers I've worked on this term and made articles out of 'em. Those articles can be found on my page, take a look if you feel like being lectured about this or that. I also updated and resubmitted my critical overview of the SETI program, which I think is sort of funny... it's to be found at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/A292024

Feedback welcome, especially argumentative feedback. I'm feeling the need to grind someone into argument jelly.

Passive-agressively yours,



Post 2272

Gone again

Well if this is a competition, I'm fully prepared and equipped to know less than anyone about any topic anyone cares to nominate. Consider this a challenge! smiley - winkeye

Did you know your eyes sparkle when you're 'passive-agressive', TG? smiley - doh


"Who cares, wins"

Where are Hallmark when you need them?

Post 2273

Gone again

I've scoured all the card shops, and can't find a single "Happy Ostara" or ""Greeting on this fine spring equinox!" card anywhere.

Given that they invented Mother's Day just to sell cards and gifts, you'd think they'd be happy to support long-standing excuses for celebration, wouldn't you? smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"


Post 2274

NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625)

Challenge, schmallenge. All you have to do is be passive... or maybe we could rig up some feedback system... smiley - devil

Ok, the competition will be like this. An unbiased third party creates questions on various topics. All the contestants get the chance to answer. If anyone gets it right, the ones who didn't, get a point and excrutiating pain. The winner is the one with the least points. smiley - winkeye


Post 2275

Gone again

So, Naita, you're claiming to be as ignorant as the rest of us, but a masochist too? smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"


Post 2276

NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625)

You come up with a test of ignorance that doesn't devolve into deliberately answering wrong. smiley - smiley
But yes, I realise now that my scheme would have given unfair advantage to masochists. I'm not one though, or if I am I'm an auto-masochist. smiley - biggrin


Post 2277


There are a few companies who apparently make Ostara greeting cards (and Beltane, Litha, Mabon, Lugnassadh, Samhain, Yule and Imbolc cards), but they're fewer and farther between than shops which sell magical supplies (isn't it nice that I happen to live near one?)

stoopid, stoopid

Post 2278

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

Do ya know someone's brilliant comment on my piece on Copernicanism was that it came across as 'anti-Catholic'? Gosh yes how insensitive of me to mention that trial of Galileo business. This is the sort of abominable politicing I would have condemned as stupid even before spending 4 months of my life with my nose in a pile of history textbooks, but now that I have I can only shake my head with wonder. I hope the piece I wrote on the Bolshevik Terror policies doesn't come across as anti-Stalinist!

'If you want to know what the mathematicians mean when they speak about infinity, consider the extent of human stupidity.'

-Albert Einstein

Turning to faith

Post 2279

Gone again

In these troubled times - I hope that's vague enough to keep the censors at bay - it seems people are paying more attention to superstitions of all kinds. They're touching wood a lot, and avoiding walking under ladders. smiley - winkeye I assume this general feeling of unease - for such it surely is - includes a brief resurgence in the popularity of God? She *will* be pleased, I'm sure.... smiley - winkeye

Feeling insecure? ... Shouldn't you be? smiley - erm


"Who cares, wins"

Turning to faith

Post 2280


I feel just about the same about God as I did before all this... but that's largely because I wan't a member of the Great Indifferent.

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