A Conversation for A Muse on Bottled Beers
Bottled beer in the U.S.
Richard Cranium {with nothing witty in brackets} Started conversation Dec 14, 2001
Oh how I love the British beer! I can only get my hands on a few types locally and here is my list of beer I took to camp for a 'Boy's weekend' party
London Pride
Winter Warmer
London Porter
Ram Rod Ale
Oatmeal Stout
Special London Ale
Old Nick
Double Chocolate Stout
Samuel Smith's:
Pale Ale
Nut Brown Ale
India Ale
Oatmeal Stout
Shepherd's Neame:
Original Porter
Bishop's Finger
Tranquair House Ale
Old Jock
Belhaven Wee Heavy
Skull Splitter
Witch's Brew
Black Cat
MacLay IPA
Mackeson XXX
Old Peculiar
Black Sheep Ale
Morland's Hen's Tooth
It took me a year and about 1000 miles of driving to collect them. Whitbread and Mackeson are brewed in Cincinatti, Ohio now and taste like crap. As for Budwiser and the other American malt beverages(I hate to call it beer) They should be ice cold and drunk in the sauna. I live in an area full of displaced Finns and American beer didn't make sense untill they turned me on to the sauna!
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Bottled beer in the U.S.
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