A Conversation for Welcome to Monster University

batchelor in phil?

Post 41


There you go...

Now, what must be seen is the evidence for and against. I warn you, however, that this is a controversial topic, and I don't want to get serious... smiley - biggrin

batchelor in phil?

Post 42


i wont get serious if you dont!

batchelor in phil?

Post 43


In truth, it is up to you. I am a Cristian by nature, and choice, but I am not easily offended. And then again, I don't usually feel the need for serious conversation.

A though to ponder- "Here there are no strangers, only friends not yet made" It rings true here, I think...

batchelor in phil?

Post 44


I'm not easily offended, and would say that I'm both serious and ...non-serious!

Indeed it does!

batchelor in phil?

Post 45

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


...bringing something dead to life... herrmmm....

batchelor in phil?

Post 46


*Glances about*

The dead to life? Eh?

batchelor in phil?

Post 47

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

...hee hee... that's what part of this conversation was about!!!

batchelor in phil?

Post 48


I be confuzzled....again...

batchelor in phil?

Post 49

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

...it's all deep in the backlog now... smiley - winkeye

batchelor in phil?

Post 50


so how do i get my batchelor of phil?

batchelor in phil?

Post 51

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Be studious.

batchelor in phil?

Post 52


I am studious!

batchelor in phil?

Post 53

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!! Very good!!! What's this E-Day, and why is it on my mother's birthday then!??

batchelor in phil?

Post 54


e-day is when i get my exam results...which decide where i go to uni....

batchelor in phil?

Post 55


How about another discussion... what makes an action monstrously right, or monstrously wrong??

batchelor in phil?

Post 56


Obviously nothing smiley - tongueout

I've got an entry on philosophy, which can be monstrously applied...A767955

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