A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 21

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

'Repeated Meme'. A 'meme' is a term Richard Dawkins coined to describe a piece of information that can transfered from one mind to another, such as an idea, a joke, a song lyric.

smiley - ale

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 22

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

He also 'blew your house down', if you want to take the idea that far: he brought about the destruction of 10 Downing St.

smiley - ale

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 23

The Doc

Love this obsession with the "Big Bad Wolf" whatever that means!
I think I must just have been enjoying the programme way too much to notice any of the things you are talking about - sorry.

Is there a chance that all of the BBW is just imagination, or am I really missing the whole plot? Just wondered......

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 24

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I have said before I think RTD threw the BBW in to keep people talking, it's working isn't it smiley - winkeye

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 25

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Well, not really, because the references are getting stronger and stronger.

The first line, from End of the World, you had to listen really closely to get, because it was two characters talking in the background.

The second line, from Gwyneth to Rose, was part of the main action, but in the middle of a long speech, so you could have missed it.

The third time, it's spray painted in foot-high letters on the side of the TARDIS, so you'd have to be literally blind to miss it.

smiley - ale

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 26

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Sorry, that was a response to The_Doctor_Is_In.

smiley - ale

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 27

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

If fitted my post too smiley - ok

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 28

A. Honeybadger

Result! smiley - cool

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 29


Have you guys seen they've added a bit by Mickey to the 'whoisdoctorwho' site, and he talks about the BBW:

'You see, he's off, making another decision for us, all "I'm the big bad wolf and it's way past your bedtime." Well, I don't think so. Not this time.'

Link: http://www.whoisdoctorwho.co.uk

Julessmiley - smiley

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 30


This weeks Radio Times has double spread on the new DALEK....lots of hints about what it can do,what the inside was going to look like (but discarded for something else)...also a free poster if you collect the tokens in this issue and next.

Not for me you understand but to decorate sons new bedroom smiley - laugh

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 31

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Oh of course smiley - laugh

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 32


Spoiler ~ maybe ~ if you trust the mags

One TV guide said that the Daleks were defenitely responsible for wiping out the timelords.
Just been trying to figure out how'll they'll work that.
Also said that Rose would be the one who would accidently wake up the dalek in the museum.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 33

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

The latter is true, as far as I can gather. The former? I wouldn't expect RTD to be so clichéd. After all, One timelord has done a fair job of dealing with them through the ages, where did they get the power and competency to wipe out the whole lot?

smiley - ale

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 34


Maybe they teamed up with the Cylons?

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 35

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

... Learning to break down the barriers between series whilst they were at it?

smiley - ale

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 36

The Doc

no, all wrong - it was a Dalek and Cybermen alliance. Now THAT I would pay to see.........

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 37

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

A) A dalek and cyberman tag team is so clichéd it's unreal.
B) Why? Daleks believe themselves to be the ultimate being, so alliances are a bit unlikely; the cybermen have never shown any inclination to go after the Timelords specifically, tha Doctor just tends to get their way.

smiley - ale

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 38


"dalek and cyberman tag team"
Doctor Who does tag team wrestling?
Think we are moving into the specialist interest zone here smiley - winkeye

So are Blue Aliens and Big Bad Wolf thingy the only conspiracy thing going at the moment then?

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 39

The Doc

To Kerravon

It was a joke.............does it all have to be so serious?smiley - winkeye

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 40

A. Honeybadger

smiley - laugh Dr Who tag-team wrestling - I wonder... who would be the best team of heroes? Leela would have to be in there, I think smiley - biggrin

I don't know that blue aliens are a conspiracy: the Moxx of Balhoon wasn't the bad-guy - he was just unfortunately one of those that were killed; and the aliens of london weren't blue in the end, were they - it was just that blue-white glow as they unzipped the suits. smiley - smiley

BBW, though, that's something else entirely.... smiley - winkeye

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