A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 121

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

DWM refers to them as creatures who exist to claim those who should have died but didn't, thus 'cleaning up' the time line.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 122


Radio Times gives lowdown on these creatures - "Reapers" tidying up time errors in 1987 .... smiley - biggrin

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 123


Saw the BBW reference in tonight's episode - written on one of the wall posters at the beginning....Looking forward to finally discovering what it' all about!
smiley - magic

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 124

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I saw No third tearm for Thatcher on a Socilest Worker Party, was it around there

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 125


As Rose and the Dr were walking round the corner to see her Dad (about 3 minutes in), the camera panned across a wall with posters - there were 2 yellow posters with smiley faces on and it was written on the bottom one. It wasn't very obvious, it just caught my eye - in fact I was rather pleased to have spotted it because I've missed most of the others!
smiley - magic

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 126


I was quite proud to catch it too ~ but i find i'm concentrating more on the little bits and pieces 'cos i don't want to miss this weeks reference ~ so sad.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 127


tee hee, I know what you mean Pixel, but that's what I have Sky+ for! Concentrate on the first one to get the clues and then watch again at my leisure to catch everything else smiley - winkeye

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 128


Can't afford the sky right now ~ but have got the whole thing on tape and will probably wind up with the dvds too.
If this all turns out to be a red herring i'll be really p****d.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 129


They will probably release the whole series on DVD, all except the BBW eposide which they wont release until next year, or at least Christmas! They are mean like that sometimes.
smiley - run

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 130


Well at least i'd know what to ask for at xmas.
Though i thought the first dvd was out this week.
Probably wishful thinking.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 131

Zak T Duck

It is smiley - smiley

Episodes 1-3 on Monday
4-7 on June 13th
8-10 on August 1st
11-13 on September 5th

Or just wait for the Tardis box set with bonus material on November 21st


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 132

A. Honeybadger

1st volume DVD, with Rose, EotW and Unquiet Dead, on sale this Monday; 2nd vol. with AoL, WWIII and Dalek due out June. Box set of whole series due out November (ready for the Christmas market, and the Christmas special) smiley - winkeye

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 133

A. Honeybadger

Oops.. simulpost.

Must be an eddy in time smiley - laugh

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 134

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Who's Eddy?

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 135


smiley - laugh
That is my favourite conversation out of the whole HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy books.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 136

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


smiley - blush Sorry it slipped out

smiley - grovelsmiley - grovel Don't report me to the smiley - mods smiley - grovelsmiley - grovel

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 137

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit looking over his shoulder
"That is the Editor changing bits and pieces in the Tertiary phase of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. As broadcasted last year on radio4?_ smiley - biggrin.

Out on CD and available on BBCshop and Amazone.

I liked the RaveParty poster, just expected a date next to the name.

Just a question: why where the shops closed? Was it a sunday? "

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 138

A. Honeybadger

It's cos the Beeb had closed the roads in the area while they were filming, so the shops had no passing trade; or they closed all the shops as well to control the risk of random people dressed in 21st century clothing from stumbling on the set.

Alternatively, they could have been filming on a Sunday... smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 139

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Or the parade could have been derelict

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 140


More recurring stuff:



Psalm 23

Verse 1: The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Verse 6 (23:6):Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

No idea about the number 801 though?

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