A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 101

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Seeing as most of the speculation is about future eps I thought it might be prudent to leave it all here

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 102

Zantic - Who is this woman??

I apologise in advance - I haven't had a chance to read the backlog so this may be a recent repeat questions but:

Did you watch Confidental last night. Did you catch the last thing RTD said? Ohhhhh---what does it all mean? (squeal)

Now I've basically bookmarked this thread, I can come back and read properly later - when the kitchen mess is no longer screaming it's agony at me and I've decimated the emergent fridge-culture (I think the current currency is cheese mould but I'm not sure smiley - winkeye ).

Zantic smiley - dragon

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 103

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I caught that too, I wonder if it's tied into BBW

When the cheese starts knocking on the inside of the fridge door to be let out, that's when you know it's time to sort the fridge out smiley - laugh
There's a scene in Fragile Balance in S8 of Stargate SG-1 where Teal'c is looking in O'Neill's fridge and says "Are you conducting some kind of Experiment"

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 104

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Or at the very least the Time-War...

It gets worse. Someone (that would either be me or the dragons) left the freezer door slightly open last night. Oh well - I didn't want to go out and enjoy the sunshine anyway. smiley - brave

Zantic smiley - dragon

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 105

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ah, not good

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 106

A. Honeybadger

"All this will be answered at a later date" smiley - yikes

Hubby's theories, with a few additional thoughts of my own:

1) Earth is a backup Gallifrey (explaining the Dr's constant interest in it over the years).

2) Rose should have been killed by the Autons in ep. 1, but survived because of the Dr. Therefore everything that is happening now is part of an alternate timeline. The Dr is therefore the Bad Wolf as he has caused a rift in time which, as every time lord knows, is the one thing that must be avoided at all costs.

3) Rose is either a half-timelord, or a living TARDIS like the one in the books.

Also read somewhere that the TARDIS might be jealous of the relationship between the Dr and Rose, since a timelord's strongest affinity is supposed to be to his TARDIS. This seemed like quite an interesting one to me.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 107

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


Some good idea's, I'm leaning towards the Doctor or the Tardis being the BBW

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 108

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Also that fact that in this weeks confidential it looks like there are not going to be an evil for the sake of being evil baddies as RTD doesn't like / believe in them.

So it looks less like that the Master will be making a comeback. (Shame, I saw him last night in Stigmata! Damn good - if a little typecast...smiley - winkeye )

We really haven't had much of the TARDIS at all. Only the obvious with Rose's first introduction and then the starter shots of ep's two and three. Is there a true TARDIS ep coming up, or maybe they just aren't going to bother with it at all. Or as you say, it may be the BBW.

Trailer for next week is a cracker though...

Zantic smiley - dragon

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 109

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Yeah it's good, I can see Rose's point about trying to save her dad, you don't think about the ramefications do you?

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 110

Zantic - Who is this woman??

But imagine the saving of your fathers life ending in the infestation of the Earth by Dragons. My Dad's not that cool... Not that I'd swap him for Dragons or anything you understand smiley - winkeye

Zantic smiley - dragon

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 111

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I don't think they were dragons, the Doctor said they were putting the timeline back to the way it was supposed to be, I think they were more Gargoyles, being outside a church and all

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 112

A. Honeybadger

If you like the idea of living gargoyles, you may like to read the novel "St Patrick's Gargoyle" by Katherine Kurtz - probably my favourite author.

It's a tale about a gargoyle that lives on St Patrick's cathedral in Dublin, specifically, though there are guest appearances by gargoyles from other churches in there too. smiley - smiley

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 113

Mrs Zen

*has to go for a calm-down after Jimster introduced the thought of Christopher Eccleston and Robert Carlyle tussling....*

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 114

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

"Hit him! Take his clothes off! Try not to get distracted and feel anything you've never felt before!"

That was actually shouted during a duel between two women (yes, complete with the masculine pronouns... just don't ask) at the LARP I go to... but I feel it may be appilcable here, just for you Ben... smiley - run

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 115

Mrs Zen

.... er..... Thank you?

smiley - huh


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 116

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

You know... Chris and Rob having a bit of a scuffle, like in that movie with Oliver Reed.

I'll get me coat.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 117

Mrs Zen

No, I got the reference Mr D. I just felt a tad uncertain about being characterised as a voyeuristic letch. And then I thought, "smiley - erm maybe that's because I *am* a voyerusitic letch..."

Would some spirit the giftie gie us...


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 118

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Ahh, right... bit of a cold at the moment so I'm not so quick on the uptake as I usually am.


smiley - laugh

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 119

Zantic - Who is this woman??

*goes off for a calm-down after B brings up the image of Mr. Eccleston and Mr. Carlye*

Zantic smiley - dragon

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 120


Just watched the trailer again for next weeks episode (quiet at work)

Dragons/Gargoyles, I think they are auditors just tidying up any mess that gets left behind and we've just never seen them in action before.

Pretty scary looking whatever they're for. smiley - run

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