A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted Mar 23, 2009
Yeah, can I join too?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Mar 26, 2009
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
Kaz Posted Apr 4, 2009
That's not so daft actually....
Maybe like they put out webcasts and stuff, you could announce when it's going to be on the front page, and then we could all log on at similar times....
who would compile the questions?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted May 3, 2009
A different person each time? Have a group of compilers or take it in turns?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
Kaz Posted May 4, 2009
I think we'd need a group
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 7, 2009
I've never actually been involved in a Pub Quiz, but it sounds like a lot of fun. What they call Pubs in the States probably would be unrecognizable to UKians, and most don't do quizzes.
Would the quizmaster limit the questions to Dr Who material, or should/would it be general stuff for HooTooers of whatever stripe?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted May 22, 2009
well we could have Dr Who rounds, specific Dr Who quizzes and general rounds and quizzes?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
Kaz Posted May 24, 2009
that's a good idea. Like they do with Mastermind.
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 25, 2009
I've never done quiz night, although a few of the pubs in the San Francisco bay area hold them. I'm too chicken to go to one by myself; an online one would be great. So, what would we have to do?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted Jul 7, 2009
Good place to start there. Can't have a table quiz without tables and drinks and nibbles.
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted Jul 16, 2009
And haribo and a glass of coke?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
Kaz Posted Aug 7, 2009
haribo makes me hyper.
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted Aug 12, 2009
Oh dear! Too much coke sends me a bit hyper and silly too. Can be fun at Christmas parties though. Who needs alcohol when you get a sugar high?
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted Sep 20, 2009
Oh dear. Sounds like a scary combination.
DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
NPY Posted Oct 5, 2009
Skittles and Red Bull sounds like the perfect way to be bouncing off the walls for weeks.
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DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?
- 41: NPY (Mar 23, 2009)
- 42: Kaz (Mar 26, 2009)
- 43: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Mar 26, 2009)
- 44: Kaz (Apr 4, 2009)
- 45: NPY (May 3, 2009)
- 46: Kaz (May 4, 2009)
- 47: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 7, 2009)
- 48: NPY (May 22, 2009)
- 49: Kaz (May 24, 2009)
- 50: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 25, 2009)
- 51: Taff Agent of kaos (May 25, 2009)
- 52: NPY (Jul 7, 2009)
- 53: Kaz (Jul 10, 2009)
- 54: NPY (Jul 16, 2009)
- 55: Kaz (Aug 7, 2009)
- 56: NPY (Aug 12, 2009)
- 57: Taff Agent of kaos (Sep 9, 2009)
- 58: NPY (Sep 20, 2009)
- 59: Kaz (Oct 5, 2009)
- 60: NPY (Oct 5, 2009)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."