A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 21

Mister Matty



DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 22


Doesn't sound like he's giving much away. Either he hasn't been asked, or he's in the running for real and isn't allowed to say.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 23


He´s the one who played a police officer in Blink right?

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 24


He was the guy in the Weakest Link who was up against Rose, surely?

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 25


He was on Survivors last night. I like him, loved him in Neverwhere.

Can't see him as the Doctor, but then I didn't think I'd like Eccleston.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 26


No, I can't see him as the Doc either.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 27


me neither.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 28

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I remember him from a past episode, but can't remember which. Think it was the Weakest Link bit(?).
He was good, I remember that, but don't know about being Doctor caliber.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 29


Yeah. Well now we know who it is. Weird looking bloke....

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 30


I know. To be honest I find him quite scary looking. and not being funny or anything but it's a bit weird-he's only three years older than me!

Oh well. I guess all the little kids might find him quite a laugh-they'd probably view him as an older brother type doc, which is nice.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 31


Yeah. And I thought David Tennant was young when he started.

He's odd looking. Will have to wait and see though.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 32


My first thought on seeing him was "at least he's not hot"! All the swooning was starting to try my patience. Also, not Russell Tovey which came as a huge relief to me as I don't get him at all.
smiley - laugh
I thought Peter Davison was too young, and I was only six at the time!
smiley - senior

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 33


Well Peter Davison was the youngest Dr Who until Matt Smith got the role.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 34


Really? how old was he when he took the role?

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 35


I thought he was 31 but Wiki states 29. Very young either way!

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 36


Think I read he's 38 now, so he must've been about 34 when he started.

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 37

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Peter Davison was 29 when he was cast (autumn 1980), but turned 31 during the transmission of his first season (spring 1982).

And David Tennant was 34 when he was cast, turning 35 during Series 1, before he made his first appearance. he was the first Doctor to be younger than me at the time of his casting. smiley - wah

So although Matt Smith is 26 now, he'll be 27 by the time he appears on our screens, and 28 for his first Christmas special... if that helps any smiley - winkeye

smiley - tea

What always surprises me is how young WIlliam Hartnell was when he started the role. Just 55 years old. Troughton was 46, while Jon Pertwee turned 50 during rehearsals for his first story.

Tom Baker turned 41 during transmission of his first season (two days after Robot part 4, if you want to know), and Colin Baker was also 40 for his first story's transmission.

Sylvester McCoy is actually two months younger than Colin Baker, born in 1943, but he was 43 by the time of his first day's work on the show, and 44 by the time his first episode went out, making him the fourth oldest to play the role. Paul McGann, at 37, was the fourth *youngest* to play the part (including Matt Smith), while Christopher Eccleston was the third to be 40 when he started filming and 41 by the time his first series ended.

And just for completion's sake, Peter Cushing was 52 when he made the first Dalek movie. smiley - magic

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 38


Ah, that'd be where I got my wires crossed!
smiley - ta

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 39


Sounds like you've done your research!!!

DT to leave Who- who do you think should be the next Doc?

Post 40


Smij, if hootoo have a "pub quiz" and there are Dr. Who questions-I want you on my team!!!

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