A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Doctor Who

Post 3521


Er... doesn't Rory's erasure from the time line make the whole series collaspe in on itself?

Back in ep1 the Doctor defeated Prisoner Zero using Rory's mobile. If there's no Rory, there's no mobile, and ep1 ends with the destruction of the human habitation. Unless there's something else that ensures that previous events have managed to occur without the erased person.

Also, the box containing the engagement ring, which we see after Rory has gone. Does it mean she's now getting married to someone else? Or does it only still exist because it's inside the Tardis and so the rules of causality don't apply?


Doctor Who

Post 3522


I wondered that in the Weeping Angel episodes: the Byzantium only crashed because Angel Bob sabotaged the engines (this isn't ever explicitly stated, but who else could it have been?) - with him erased from time, why did the Byzantium crash? Why was River even on the Byzantium?

These two eps didn't get me particularly excited: they weren't bad, they just weren't thrilling. Meera Syal toned it down a bit and so much less annoying this time but still, just a bit meh.

I think they killed off the wrong companion: I like Rory a lot whereas I really can't stand Amy, she just doesn't work for me as a character. The sfx of the crack claiming Rory was pretty cool though.

Doctor Who

Post 3523

Bright Blue Shorts

Must admit that I've found a lot of this series to be technobabble. I've never struggled to understand TV or films in the past, but I don't really know what happened to the Silurians or the drill or any of it at the end there. One assumes they'll be back to fight the daleks in the final episode of the season ...

Still ... TD/MS ... is growing on me. He has some great mannerisms and I'm sure I spotted that he walks bandy legged ...

Doctor Who

Post 3524



Not at all...it's all wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff...

Doctor Who

Post 3525


I really liked this ep. With the Silurian warriors surrounding the Doc et al and knowing that the 'revelation' that the Silurian warrior-babe was dead still to come, it really looked like there was no way out. And the twist at the end came totally out of the blue.

Killing a companion is always a Good Thing, since it gives us a genuine sense of danger (perhaps the Doctor is safe, but anyone else - even Amy - could die). And seeing the 'future couple' was a great mislead.

I suspect we have not seen the last of Rory. The hint that the Tardis will be destroy in (or cause?) the explosion also adds another dimension.

Gif smiley - geek

Doctor Who

Post 3526


They've only killed one other companion have they not? Adric...

Doctor Who

Post 3527


Just thinking: RTD never killed a companian. Well, except for Jack, for five minutes, before turning him into Captain Scarlet.


Doctor Who

Post 3528

Mol - on the new tablet

The 'future couple' was recapped in the summary of the first part so I was expecting it to actually happen and be really important to the plot. Which I suppose it was smiley - erm just not how I'd thought.

Have to say, wasn't overly impressed by this story (although always lovely to have Stephen Moore's voice around) and didn't feel sufficiently attached to Rory to be upset when he died.


Doctor Who

Post 3529

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Also, I have a strong suspicion that the grandfather from this episode will be back: not that the Doctor said he was "mutating" into something, but not what. Perhaps the body being still in flux will somehow save him from the gas. You can't say he's mutating without making clear the results, though!

Doctor Who

Post 3530

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

And when I said the crack came out of the blue, it was just that they were runnign past and suddenly: "Holy ****, it's a crack!" Nothing strange going on that needed to be explained by a crack, no indication in advance that this was the kind of area a crack was likely. We knew cracks exist, and that they keep popping up in all sorts of places, but this just seemed too abrupt.

Doctor Who

Post 3531


He's turning into a Silurian-human hybrid akin to the B5 Sinclair Minbari-human hybrid, possibly.

He might appear in the James Corden episode as Corden's Last best hope pie...oo, cake.smiley - runsmiley - cake

Doctor Who

Post 3532


He might appear in the James Corden episode as Corden's Last best hope for pie...oo, cake.

(perview is your fiend...smiley - grr)

Doctor Who

Post 3533


I give up...

Doctor Who

Post 3534

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Preview is also my friend: I meant to write "note" rather than "not", which conveys the OPPOSITE meaning.
And I'm triple-checking this post, just to be sure.

Doctor Who

Post 3535


Just Bob: My impression was the gas was dangerous to anyone not within one of the glass chambers. That the Grandfather and his squeeze were placed within one of those chambers, to go into hibernation. So they would survive anyway, and will be there in a thousand years to check up on humanity.

Doctor Who

Post 3536


"Nothing strange going on that needed to be explained by a crack"
Except the whole series of odd stuff that's been going on...
"this just seemed too abrupt."
Prob best to agree to differ on that then.
Abrupt is how it works. The rhyme and reason is outside the individual story, it is part of the greater story. It intrudes into the individual episodes, that's how it works.

"I suspect we have not seen the last of Rory."

Gah, you people who don't read spoilers and look at the photos from the shoots...

Doctor Who

Post 3537

Bright Blue Shorts

"Also, I have a strong suspicion that the grandfather from this episode will be back: not that the Doctor said he was "mutating" into something, but not what. Perhaps the body being still in flux will somehow save him from the gas. You can't say he's mutating without making clear the results, though!"

Budgets drive series, so building expensive new daleks, new silurians costumes and sets needs them to be used more than for just one story. So that would make perfect sense as to why he's survived along with whats-her-face for the season climax ...

Doctor Who

Post 3538


Not sure that Silurians, Daleks or Grandfather will be back.
Clearly the ending is going to be all about the cracks, their cause and setting right what caused them (that, I think, is fairly obvious without any spoilers). So, given the way the cracks swallow people up, I think we can assume that anyone that has been near one has got a shot at ressurection in the finale. Which excludes the above. But includes the Angels and Rory and River Song's religious squaddies.

Doctor Who

Post 3539


"Not sure that Silurians, Daleks or Grandfather will be back."
this series for the finale I mean, not ever!

Doctor Who

Post 3540

Bright Blue Shorts

Maybe not but RTD did it in pretty much every series. And the Sarah Jane Adventures also did it so we'll wait and see. Personally I can't see the redesigned Daleks being left until next year.

NB ... above comment has no reference to this ... just taken a look at IMDB ... cast lists for final episodes interesting ... there's at least one thespian who appeared in old Who many years ago on a number of occasions ... once notably as a particular villain. Wonder if they are reprising the role or just getting the thespian back in for a new role ... I'll write it up in the spoilers thread ...

Blimey there's only 4 episodes left ...

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