The h2g2 Post 03.05.10

1 Conversation

Posted: 03rd May 2010



All Change

You'll all be aware of the upcoming changes to the site, it is being discussed all over h2g2. In time for h2g2's 11th birthday, Vip did an interview with Zelmo Zale, who joined the editorial team last year in November. There's a lot of information in there you'll probably not have read before, so make sure you don't miss the article which you'll find in the Community section below.

The redesign isn't the only change, however. We've had a change within the team only this weekend. You may remember that Terran had to cut down on his job with the Post due to RL tasks and computer problems. He was still on the payroll, so to speak, but it was agreed that he'd be 'released' once we'd found a new victim - err - volunteer. I am delighted to say that we did just that. Please welcome Dmitri Gheorgheni to the team. If you are a regular reader of the Post, you'll know him well. He's one of our loyal regular contributors, a 'Post stalwart' and all-rounder and the winner of last year's The Stretcher. We didn't hesitate to give him his baptism of fire and he hasn't taken to his heels, which has to be a good sign.

Despite all the joy about our new acquisition, I don't want to forget to say a big 'Thank you' to Terran for his sterling work and for helping us when we most needed it after lil had left, and for staying on after the change in editorship to help me settle in, although he had so many other things to do.

But now let's have a party on the occasion of hootoo's recent 11th birthday. Our contributors and we at the Post have gone out of our way to make this issue special, so we can celebrate in style.



Happy Birthday h2g2



You all know that the Post Team are grand

So we thought we would found a small band

To play for hootoo's birthday

But there sadly is no way

You could listen to our very own brand.

So the birthday bash now goes ahead,

And a do with no music is dead.

But the minstrel we hired

Was speedily fired

And we're left with this poem instead. smiley - groan

The DJ we found on the net

When he saw what we had, was upset:

"What are all these folksongs?

Do you want sing-a-longs?

You should have hired Raffi instead!"

Bel gave him a kick in the ass

And she then slapped him with a wet bass.

"Folkie music is fine

And it goes well with wine

And we won't do with anything less."

The DJ's eyes rolled. "Hey, whatever.

I have an idea that is clever.

Just grab sweet pertaters

And some AViators

And write yourselves something togever."

Bel agreed and said 'Let us do that,

But I must go and buy a new hat.

You can start while I'm out

Just make sure you're not loud,

Cause the editors have gone to bed."

So everything came out all right,

In the smiley - thepost window there shone a light,

No musical riot,

Headphones made it quiet,

As hootooers folked through the night.

And the reason for this, you may ask?

We had set us a not easy task:

Celebrate hootoo's birthday

And this seemed like a good way

In its glory a little to bask.

smiley - disco
The Post Team
smiley - disco

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly





































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