A Conversation for Greebo's Big One

Cat flap

Post 81


Hi chums... ~grin~... me is using the computer were me is staying at the moment... so me must be quick... but me thought me should tell you that me saw Harry Potter... and me loved it...

Cat flap

Post 82


Yeah Greebs smiley - biggrin

I'm glad you enjoyed the film! I hope that you had comfy seats with plenty of room for your tail!

Can't wait for you to get home although I hope that you have had a great holiday! smiley - cuddle

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 83


Ditto from me, of course. I'll fight the urge to wibble about the film now and save it for the column...

Cat flap

Post 84


Me is back... me is back... but me hasn't got time to play... ~grin~... sorry tis late Shazz... me will get right on with sorting out the collumns for this weeks Post... ~huggle~

Awix... me can't wait to read your Harry Potter review... ~huggle~

Cat flap

Post 85


Pencil it in your diary for the 27th of December, then, Greebs. (Sorry again about encouraging ballot-rigging and all that...)

Cat flap

Post 86


~Greebo huggles Awix again~

Don't worry your pretty head about the vote... ~grin~ tis just a simple mistake... ~bigger grin~

~Greebo fumbles for a pencil~

Me not got a pencil... will a blue crayon do?

Cat flap

Post 87


It's your diary, Greebs.

Er - how exactly are you gripping the crayon? My grasp of feline anatomy only extends as far as the nude scenes in Cat People...

Cat flap

Post 88


Oh... me a very adaptable feline... me can do lots of things that other cats can't... not that they actaully can't do things... its just that they never try...

~Greebo shakes her pretty little head sadly... and then carefully crayons a big blue ring around the 27th of December~

There... that should remind me.. ~grin~... er... hmmm... er... what exactly happens on the 27th then?

Cat flap

Post 89


Well, in my house we embark upon a strict regime of eating Boxing Day leftovers for the next two months.

And the second-string and rerun TV Xmas specials start to appear, as the nation slides inelegantly into the slough of despond that occurs between Xmas and the New Year, and I try to decide which festival is more over-rated (bah humbug!).

And, last and entirely least, the 24LAS reviews of Harry Potter and (hopefully) Lord of the Rings will come to a VDU near you (if you go looking for them, anyway...).

Cat flap

Post 90


Speaking of the still-living one, the competition has been closed so it's now up to the three of us (including you, o gracious and benevolent Shazz) to sort out which one we like best. What do we think? Are we going to do this Eurovision style or what?

Cat flap

Post 91


~Greebo become serious for a moment...~

Aha... the competition...

John Luke's ... 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' -> 'Harry Potter in the Loo' ... made me snigger....

but as to a winner... me thinks FABT's well thought out answer's were by far the best....

Thumbs up to FABT...


Cat flap

Post 92

Post Team

I agree with Greebs... FEBT gets my vote too with an honourable mention for John Luke. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 93

Post Team

Oops! I meant FABT of course... finger slipped! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 94


Um... any particular answer by FABT that you both think stands out from the rest? I'd rather like to be able to single out 'a winner' than just award it due to sheer volume of entries...

Cat flap

Post 95

Post Team

Harry Potter and the Room of Politically Sensitive Information

That's the one! smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 96


Me agree's with Shazz... thumbs up to political sensitiveness... ~grin~

Cat flap

Post 97


Okey dokey... on your heads be it... I'm thinking of making the second competition 'Suggest a prize for the first competition' but that would probably be a bit too solipsistic even for me...

Cat flap

Post 98


yes... you are to solsipis...
hmmm... soltispistiic
ahhh... sultanlipstick...


Don't you agree Shazz...

Cat flap

Post 99


Oh absolutely Greebs! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 100


Phillistinic peasants.smiley - biggrin

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