A Conversation for Greebo's Big One

Cat flap

Post 1


I have a horrible feeling this could turn into a Post version of Big Brother with the various regular writers desperately struggling not to come bottom of the popularity poll... (Or perhaps I'm just alone in my craving for public vindication...) Nice page, anyway.

Cat flap

Post 2


~grin~... This won't be a regular vote... well not to regular... me just wanted to see what Post readers liked about the post... me thinks Wowbagger will walk away with it... he is very much liked and respected... ~hisss~ (didn't mean that really)

Thanks for the nice comments... like you... me does like to feel appreciated... and you know me alrewady likes your page... ~hug~

Cat flap

Post 3


If I, rather than you, were the cat, I might go so far as to say that a cartoon feature would inevitably win, as it's an enormously user-friendly feature (who cares what a complete stranger with a rather baroque prose style thinks about obscure movies, anyway?). But that wouldn't be nice at all.

(I'm still struggling to take in coming second out of three in the Hull University student media awards vote for best columnist, and that was in July 1994...)

Cat flap

Post 4


~grin~ Don't take it to much to heart... me is gratified to see that two researchers have voted for GBO... and neither of them were me... me will be happy that just one liked it... me see's that you have a couple of fans as well at the moment... so you never know... everytime someone votes... me gets an email... so me knows... how the voting is going with having to log onto bravenet... me must admit that there has been an awful lot of votes for Wowbagger's cartoon... but then me thinks it is justified as he is very talented... if it was just cartoons... then Paper cuts should be getting as many votes...

Me rather cares what you right... me admits that all the movies you write about are not to my taste... most are... me hastens to add... but you don't just do a synopsis of the plot... you put a bit of effort into what you write... and it shows... keep up the good work... me is a fan...

Greebs.. xx

Cat flap

Post 5


Me is sorry - oh, sput, you've got me doing it now - I'm sorry you're constantly getting lumbered with 'protect Awix's fragile ego' duty. Very bad of me. What an old friend would describe as my 'poor me' routine. >sound of wrist being slapped<

So what's your kind of movie, Greebs? I feel I should try to include a little something for everyone...

Cat flap

Post 6


~grin~... me is heard that saying me can get into a habit if you are not careful... ~grinny grin~

Me don't think helping a friend with a concern can be cat...er..garised as being lumbered... have no worries my friend me understands how you feel... and me don't mind being there for you...

Me likes all different films... some of my favourites are...

Fifth Element
The Shawshank Redemption
Buckaroo Banzai Across The Eight Demension... well worth looking out for... a laugh a minute... well nearly... if you don't taker it to seriously...
Me actually quite liked Lake Placid... first time me watched it was odd... the second time me watched it me got the humour more... good film... ~grin~
Gross Point Blank
There really are to many to mention... films tend to grow on me... with more watching... some are classics... waiting to be noticed... others are just personal favourites... Me has watched so many b rate movies... some right corkers... never again seen by cat nor man...

Such as...
Hell Comes To Frog Town... one of Roddy Piper's films... you know the WWF bloke... a real bad film... worth watching though...

To many films... so little time to watch them...

Cat flap

Post 7


Well I'm glad to be able to say that I'm hoping to look at all the Aliens series over the next few months. Gross Point Blank and Leon are also favourites of mine and will doubtless pop up in due course (provided no-one takes the column off me, anyway.) The week after next I'm hoping to write about Kiss of the Dragon, a new thriller by the makers of Leon.

Must confess to being deeply unimpressed by Fifth Element, and I haven't seen Buckaroo Banzai or the Sheepshank Redemption. My knowledge of Rowdy Roddy Piper is limited to an old John Carpenter flick called They Live! where he gets the longest fistfight in screen history, and a guest appearance on the Highlander TV series.

Cat flap

Post 8


~grin~... me to has watched They Live... and the sequel... at least me thinks there was a sequel... or it could be another film along the same lines... they tended to be a bit similar... some of those films...

Me likes Fifth Element... great visual effects... brilliant bad acting at times... wonderful singing... and that strange tv guy... who got on your nerves... and then you found you liked him... what more could you want from a film...

Please do watch the Shawshank Redempttion if ever you get the chance... me promises you will not be sorry... brilliant acting... so sad... so funny... so chilling... so real!!!

Cat flap

Post 9


I suspect I've just been put off by the poor track record of Stephen King adaptations. Also when there's already this kind of popular and critical juggernaut in favour of a movie I tend to be very wary of it...

Cat flap

Post 10


Me always says... try it for yourself... don't go by what other people say... to tell the truth... most of the critically acclaimed films that me see's... me not really like all that much... maybe me just not look out for the same things in movies... ~grin~

Cat flap

Post 11


A wise philosophy - wonder why I can never stick to it? I know what you mean about critically acclaimed movies - the Guardian film critic published his 100 greatest films list a while and I'd seen about four. And I've noticed all the ones that really get rave reviews are three hour long black-and-white films about Azerbaijani refugees living in trailers in the Pyrenees.

I suspect it's also that I hate arriving late to a party...

Cat flap

Post 12


Me just watched Breakable with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson... have you seen it... me would like to hear what you thought about it...

Cat flap

Post 13


Ah! A fantastic film! But then I am biased as I am a big fan of well-made superhero/comic book movies. The trick ending isn't as good as the one in Sixth Sense, but then again I didn't manage to guess it this time. I shall be picking up the video some time soon.

Cat flap

Post 14


Me didn't guess either... but then... me didn't guess in the sixth sense... ~grin~

Cat flap

Post 15


Well, before I saw 6th sense everyone was saying 'ghost story, ghost story, twist ending, twist ending' which obviously I saw as a challenge. So five minutes into the movie I was thinking, 'Twist ending, movie about ghosts, Bruce has just taken a serious bullet hit... couldn't be that obvious, could it?' I was with a friend of mine who hadn't heard a thing about the movie and our discussion in the pub afterwards was, um, lively.

Cat flap

Post 16


At least the film was good enough to warrant a lively discussion... ~grin~

Tis funny you should mention Godzilla (1998)... in your article this week... me is just watching it on video again... ~grin~... got thinking about Leon and Jean Reno... and fancied watchign a film with him in... couldn't decide which one... didn't want to to watch Leon as it makes me cry at the end... so... decided on Godzilla...

The film is really odd to watch... me hates it for what they did to a great movie monster... the acting is terrible at times... and a lot of the actual monster scenes are a direct rip off from Jurrasic Park... yet me still gets a hankering to watch it...

~Greebo shakes her head~

It must be Jean Reno... me thinks he's wonderful... oh what a lovely voice... ~Greebo blushes~... me got a thing about accents you know...

Cat flap

Post 17


It's funny, I really like Godzilla 98 and watch it much more often than Independence Day even though it probably isn't as good a movie. (I could go on all day about how it isn't really worthy of the Godzilla title, and probably will sometime in the future.) But then I like Japanese monster movies generally - in a fortnight I'm planning to feature the 1995 Gamera remake in 24LAS.

I understand Jean Reno's next film is the remake of Rollerball, but no news on when it's being released over here...

Cat flap

Post 18


~Giger giggle~

We are starting to act like those american movie reviewers... you know the ones... who sit beside each other... and give a thunbs up for Godzilla... ~grin~...

Cat flap

Post 19


Ah, you've triggered my geek button, so feel free to flee in horror...

The thumbs up guys were Siskel and Ebert, a bit of a US institution (till one of them died, anyway). They famously hated Universal Soldier, Stargate, and Independence Day and were always very rude about Emmerich and Devlin (the makers thereof).

So when E and D wrote Godzilla 98 they included the fat incompetent mayor and his hopeless aide and called them... Siskel and Ebert (they even look a bit like them). (The aide gives the mayor a thumbs down at the end of the movie to emphasize the in-joke.)

Then again, you probably already knew this... hello? (Hmm, why do people always vanish at times like this...?)

Cat flap

Post 20


Oh me wubbles you Awix... ~grin~... me didn't know that about Godzilla... ~bigger grin~... big thumbs to you my friend...

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