Greebo's Big One
Created | Updated Jul 11, 2003
Hello folks, I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but here (Greebo's home), it's wet and miserable outside. Just the sort of weather, in fact, for taking it easy in front of your computer and reading 'The Post'.
A very interesting 'Post' related vote this one, so please take the time and have a look at the question. I know you won't be sorry ~grin~.
Would you like your say on the big issues of the day? Well here's your chance, click below to get transported to Greebo's voting booth, where you can answer the question of the week.
Results will be printed in two weeks time.
This was the question asked a couple of weeks ago, and below are the results of the voting...
Which HHGTTG character would you most like to go to dinner with?
- Just over a third of all votes, 36%, went to the likable Ford Prefect as the perfect dinner companion.
- 29% of researchers thought that Trillian would be ideal to go to dinner with, maybe the next vote should be on how many of the researchers who voted this one, were male.
- 25% of H2G2 researchers thought that depression made a good dining experience and chose Marvin the Paraniod Android.
- Two heads are better than one, 7% of you admitted to wanting Zaphod Beeblebrox as a dinner guest.
- 4% of researchers thought that dining with a towel over their head, and The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Trall for company would be the highlight of their evening.
- Absolutely no one wanted to dine with Arthur Dent nor a Vogon spouting love poetry, hmmm, I wonder why?
A nice turn out in the voting booth for this one, not surprising that Ford Prefect was top character. Rather surprising that Marvin got so many votes, but hey, who am I to critise whomever you want to eat with.
I wonder how many researchers actually voted for the television character rather than the character portrayed in the books. Did Ford Prefect actually win this vote, or did the rather cute David Dixon sway the voters thoughts? I know he did mine.. ~grin~
Whatever you do today, don't forget to check out the links below, especially the very last one, a little treasure I discovered whilst searching the web. Play the original Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy Text Adventure... online. I missed out on playing it in my younger years and, sadly, never managed to come across a copy until now. You can't save your position in the online version of the game... so when (if) you die, you have to restart from the beginning. Thats a small price to pay, for being able to enjoy the mind bogglingly (that word again!!!) enjoyable, puzzling addictiveness, that is Hitch Hikers.
SadGeezers Guide to Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
BBC ONLINE - The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.
Douglas Adam's Hitch Hiker Page.
ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
The Official Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Appreciation Society
Send your letters and anything else to me here:- Greebo T. Cat
Thanks again everyone...