A Conversation for Greebo's Big One

Cat flap

Post 41


I shudder to think what you're learning from your research here...

Cat flap

Post 42


Hiya Shazz.. ~Greebo waves like mad~

She's proberly researched that her Post team is slightly unhinged... ~grin~... not that she didn't know this already... hey Shazz...

Cat flap

Post 43

Post Team

But of course Greebs smiley - smiley
It isn't an absolute requisite... but it sure helps! smiley - ok
Besides, the Post Team always subscribes to every item published in The Post, so this convo keeps popping back up at the Post Office and I am drawn like a moth to a flame! smiley - biggrin
Some nice ideas been bandied about anyway!

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 44

Post Team

But of course Greebs smiley - smiley
It isn't an absolute requisite... but it sure helps! smiley - ok
Besides, the Post Team always subscribes to every item published in The Post, so this convo keeps popping back up at the Post Office and I am drawn like a moth to a flame! smiley - biggrin
Some nice ideas been bandied about anyway!

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 45


~grin~ Thats a big thumbs up to Shazz... what do you think Awix?

Cat flap

Post 46


Hey Awix... ~grin~... me knows why you had Peter Shaffer on the mind earlier... ~bigger grin~... me just read your 24 lies a second... another good one... thumbs up...

On another note... me is hearing so many good things about the Harry Potter film... me is not sure if it will live up to my expectations now... should be off to see it next week... ohhhhhhhhh... me does so love looking forward to something...

Cat flap

Post 47


We're off to see the great sprawling thing on Saturday (I may even stay beyond the Attack of the Clones trailer). I've heard naught but good things about it, which is a worry.

Shazz, seeing as you're there, what's the schedule looking like for Xmas/New Year/the print edition? I was going to review HP and Lord of the Rings in the same column (it seemed the obvious thing to do) but also as soon after LOTR comes out as possible.

I also have ideas for 'review of the year' and a special festive column (bwa-ha-ha) in the works, so knowing what's happening when would be really useful...

Cat flap

Post 48


While it occurs to me, in the event of anyone actually entering the contest in my next column, would you two lovely ladies care to help me judge it? I don't feel it would be proper for me to do it entirely arbitrarily...

Cat flap

Post 49

Post Team

Hi Awix, hi Greebs smiley - smiley

Schedule for TP:
Straight through the festivities this year... so TP available on 20th, 27th December and 3rd of January... it won't be compulsary for everyone to send in items though... just so long as we keep ticking over. I will send the schedule over and pop it into the file deposit at the egroup when I remember to! smiley - erm

I've just sent an email I received back from Mark on to the postgroup about the 'paper' edition (shhhhhhhhhh!!!)

More will follow, but it is a definite SIG... sorry, shouldn't watch Captain Scarlet should I! smiley - laugh

Regards to helping you judge... I would be honoured to assist. smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 50


~Greebo starts to sing~

The holidays are coming... the holidays are coming... ho ho ho... do you know... ~Greebo slaps herself at the stupidity of that question~... my neighbour across the road from the Lair... has just decorated and lighted a tree outside their home... me loves christmas... don't get me wrong... but oh.. tis to early... me thought me would amble across tonight... ~Greebo looks at computer clock~... oh tis tonight now... hmmm... anyway... me might just sneak out and see if they have hung any choccies on the tree... ~artful grin~

He has a wonderful voice though doesn't he... Captain Scarlet that is... and Mister Ron's not to bad either... ~big grin~ what does SIG stand for... Sober Italian Grasshopper??? Seasonal Invigorating Gift??? Significantly Important Goose???? please tell me... that's Captain Orange, with black stripes... ~grin~

Of course me would help you judge... if you would like me to... me would be very honoured... ~grin~... we would be like the three muppets... or was it mousecutears... er... or something like that... all for one and doughnuts for Greebo... yay!!

Come to think of it... me might do a christmas vote on which h2g2 researcher would folks most like to kiss under the mistletoe... ~Greebo grins at the idea...~ me could ask people to send in victims names to put to the vote... hmmm... maybe victims is not quite the right word... ~grin~... and the one most voted for could recieve... a signed picture of me... ohhhhh... goodness... what a prize that would be... ~Greebo looks around at the pictures covering the walls of the Lair... all of her... all signed... and a huge kiss by the name...~
~devilish grin~
Maybe a vote on which h2g2 researcher would folks most like to find in their christmas stocking... hmmm... something to think about... hmm... maybe it would be to unfair... because of course everyone would put my name forward and vote for me... ~sly grin~

The holidays are coming... the holidays are coming... ~Greebo goes off singing... and then gets squashed by a huge truck with a jolly fatman drinking from a bottle emblazoned on the side~

Cat flap

Post 51

Post Team

Haha! It comes earlier here Greebs!
Sinterklausdag is on the 6th December I think... smiley - biggrin

SIG... Spectrum is GO! Really Greebs... you should have known that! smiley - laugh

Mind you... it couls also be Silence is Golden I suppose! smiley - winkeye

A festive-based quiz sounds ideal anyway... be careful how you word it though! smiley - bigeyes

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 52



Oh me was just joking about the festive thing... me is not sure that everybodies ego's could take me winning... ~wink~

Cat flap

Post 53


Err, I hate to correct you, boss, but it's Spectrum Is Green... as in the theme tune lyrics - '...as the Angels are flying into the scene... Spectrum is Green...'

I can think of few researchers so likely to win the festive snogging poll than you, Greebs... at least, few so likely to get their name printed if they did...

In these here parts we don't think of it as Xmas time until Noddy and the lads come on the radio at least once an hour.

Cat flap

Post 54


I knew that! My finger slipped honest... or I was distracted... either way I plead for mercy! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

Cat flap

Post 55


Show of hands as to who believes Shazz's rather implausible excuse...?

Cat flap

Post 56


~Greebo looks at hers paws...~ Me has no hands!!!

Oh and Awix... you forgot the most fundemental thing about voting in any christmas thingybob... ~evil grin~... me can alter the number of votes for a given person... so me would always win.... ~bwa..wa..wa..wa~ Er... not that me ever would... oh no indeedy... me not like that... me very proffesional about this sort of thing...

Cat flap

Post 57


(cocked eyebrow)

Well, your admission that you might actually have to rig any such vote is a startling one, Greebs... better take another pill, I think reality is threatening to intrude... smiley - smiley

Cat flap

Post 58


As if me would ever do such a thing... ~Greebo tries to change the subject quick~

Er.. me just bought a copy of the new Barbie vidoe, The Nutcracker... ~grin~... as a christmas present... ~bigger grin~... they had a copy of Inspector Gadget for £2.99.. so me had that as well... me really quite enjoyed it.. just thought you should know..

Cat flap

Post 59


Go go gadget look-of-total-indifference!

Since we've sunk to the level of random free association, I finally found a paperback copy of Night of the Triffids this week. Now the question is whether or not to cover it in my University project or not. Hmmm.

Cat flap

Post 60


Wow... what an amazing look you have... ~grin~

Is Night of the Triffids the recently released sequel??? Me has heard its really quite good...

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