A Conversation for The Potato Army HQ

I, Silent Potato (yes really), wish to join the Potato Army

Post 1

Silent_Potato (Muse of Center Stage)

I, Silent Potato, am ready and willing to sign up to the ranks of the Potato Army.
In joining the Potato Army I will be able to offer my skills in actually being a potato to begin with.

Signed Silent Potato

I, Silent Potato (yes really), wish to join the Potato Army

Post 2

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*walks in to the recruitment office and sees a silent potato*

Strange how did that get here?

I, Silent Potato (yes really), wish to join the Potato Army

Post 3

Silent_Potato (Muse of Center Stage)

I came to exist during the great potato rains in '97 when a large goat left its green grass covered pasture and carried with it a message and that was that potatoes were indeed edible. This caused great fear in the hearts of many potatoes and of all those that had rained down from the giant potato cloud in the sky i was elected to be their spokesman. This was rather unfortunate because I am silent. Nevertheless I made it clear that we have rights too. The potato war still wages and we continue to campaign against chips, crisps and other such gruesome variations these potatoes murderers seem to like so much.

I was captured recently, very near to the recruitment office, but - through cunning and skill I managed to peel myself from danger and I Escaped to your office, unharmed. My potato father would say, I'm just a chip off the old block. smiley - winkeye

I, Silent Potato (yes really), wish to join the Potato Army

Post 4

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - coolWelcome, Silent_Potato smiley - hug

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 5

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

Maybe you should join us in the potato army meeting thingy

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 6

Silent_Potato (Muse of Center Stage)

Sounds good, as long as no one mashes me I'll join.

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 7

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

Hi Silent Potato, I'm the commander of the potato army, sorry I took so long, but I was off fighting battles on distant planets and that took longer then I thought it would. You do know we use potatoes as ammo?

Snowman smiley - snowman

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 8

Silent_Potato (Muse of Center Stage)

Potatoes as ammo? Hmm, sounds a bit frightening - but then I'm sure I'll cope if it's in a good cause. King Edwards would be especially good to use, because they are quite big and are highly explosive.

SP smiley - biggrin

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 9

Silent_Potato (Muse of Center Stage)

(sorry it took so long to reply - I was kidnapped by an evil chef who tried to cook me)

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 10

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - yikesPoor Silent_Potato smiley - smooch

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 11

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Very impressive resume, Silent Potato.

I'd say you're a potato to keep an eye on. smiley - winkeye

Does this potato realise we like mash?

Post 12

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

smiley - huh

Snowman smiley - snowman

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