A Conversation for S*P*A Wants You

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 61

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 62

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

...And... he... smells, too. And stuff.
smiley - run

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 63

Uncle Heavy [sic]

so does she. pew!

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 64

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*glares at Daddypants, wants to throw a pillow at him, does.*


S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 65

Chris Tonks

Your forums?


S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 66

sea - logging on from w*rk - using alab*ster BLECH!

*puts stamp on forum that says: "PROPERTY OF JEDI JADE"*

smiley - winkeye

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 67



Wasn't he some kind of greek maths type?

Appropriate ??

THURSDAY smiley - vampiresmiley - winkeye

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 68

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Well, it's my forum in that is't on /my smiley - bleeping site and he had to go through my site to get it AND HE'S NOT INVOLVED.

But anyway. Thank you for that stamp, sea... *lololol*

That's a great rumour, btw:

"Jade takes control of S*T*A*T*S forum! General Pandumonium ensues!!!"

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 69

Uncle Heavy [sic]

What?!?! Jade, I was
a) friends with sea for more than a year before you were on this site
b) in STATS before you were in the SPA
c) In this forum before you were in this forum
d)not doing anything to bug you

now i have restrained myself from saying anything rude, and beleieve me i was toying with the idea but didnt cos i value your friendship, but do you think you could be slightly less rude? thanks ever so much.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 70

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

I wasn't aware of that, and I appoligise.

But you must understand that I'm in a bit of a bad mood because "St." Patrick in the Unicerse forum is being a spoony bard.

So there we are then.

smiley - hug

We good now?

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 71

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I forgive you, but im quite surprised at the outburst...

smiley - hug

what has paddy done this time? ill sort the boy out

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 72

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

He's just being a jerk, and he has been for quite some time.

Also, those annoying little breeches in continuity are getting to be larger and larger, and turning into absolute /gaps/. And he's being mean... and annoying. Shall I go on?

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 73

Uncle Heavy [sic]

hes not being a jerk. he just doesnt understand it. instead of ranting at him, take him aside and tell him what you think is wrong...and some of the continutiy probs are my making...the story seems to be a little stilted right now. we need to shovel it aong a bit. anyhoo, im off now. laters.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 74

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)


S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 75

Chris Tonks

*Falls into fits of laughter.*

'You spoony bard!' Wasn't that from Final Fantasy 4 or something?
I loved that line! smiley - laugh

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 76

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

It was from Xenogears, which is also (like the Final Fantasy series) a squaresoft game.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 77

soeasilyamused, or sea

agh. not more insider lingo! smiley - groan

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 78

Uncle Heavy [sic]

hehe i33t

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 79

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost I liked the scene in FF7 where Cloud dressed as a woman and infiltrated the cathouse. I always get the clothes and wig to get him chosen. that Don Cornio has some hip action, don't he though.

S*T*A*T*S Bureau of Innuendo, Rumour, Idle Speculation and Big Fat Fibs

Post 80

Big Bad Werewolf


Now hear this:

Sea ate some tuna last week that was NOT Dolphin safe! Oh, the cruelty!

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