A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 101



smiley - erm

I don't work for h2g2 and I dont think I got one - should I have one smiley - huh can I buy one on-line smiley - huh
confused smiley - erm

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 102

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Happysmiley - biggrinude read posting 100 please

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 103


less confussed smiley - erm

..smiley - smiley

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 104

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

live life and be smiley - silly

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 105


*burpsmiley - smiley*

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 106

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

oh that too from time to time

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 107

Alex 195614 As everyone else seems to like incredibly long names I keep mine ironically short.

well how about using a username and password 4 this so you could just kick one password off if someone misbehaves

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 108

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |


for sugestions go to <./>/Feedback</.>

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 109

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...


No offense meant smiley - biggrin

H2G2 social life is my favourite kind smiley - bubbly

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 110


*sigh* I can hardly wait. Yahoo has apparently lost my connection completely now. smiley - sadface

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 111

Frankie Roberto

BTW, did we come to any conclusions on the Volunteer Groups E-Mail lists?

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 112


yes, that come the revolution the exuctives of Yahoo will be the 2nd to be lined against the wall & shot after the colleges from MS

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 113

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

ohhh..I hope the bullets are smiley - loveblush bullets so they get sense of love

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 114

Nora - back from the Dublin meet!

smiley - laugh

As someone who tries to use Yahoo! email, my dislike of them increases continually; I am now looking for another provider but as already mentioned most of the free providers are either out of business or not free anymore.

Having been a Sub, the 'feel' of email is definitely different, but I would favour any self-sufficient solution. I'd live with the inconvenience of having to go online and read backlog. At least until someone makes me start paying the phone bill..

smiley - strawberries

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 115


the uk versiom of yahoo email seems to have less ad's and offer more services (e.g. popmail) than the US version smiley - erm

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 116


But they claim they're going to withdraw free POP3 access, and make you pay for it instead...

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 117


Re Web-based email - I'm finding http://www.outblaze.net to be quite funky.

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 118


so, you use somebody else if thay charge

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 119


And what about when there are no more free ones left?

21 May 2002: Volunteers' email groups

Post 120


Without being rude, people learn there is no such thing as a free lunch. Sorry, but I have to pay for the software I use. Why shouldn't everyone else?

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