Talking Point: Addictions

21 Conversations

Are you an addict? Or do you know someone who is?

It's all too easy to associate addiction simply with images of alcoholics sleeping rough or heroin users slumped in doorways. But that's not the truth is it? Many ordinary people, living ordinary lives, are addicts too. Are you addicted to something? Smoking? Sex? Prescription Drugs1? Alcohol? Something else? Maybe you live with someone who's an addict, or have done so in the past? Your addiction could be to:

  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • The Internet
  • Gambling
  • Solvents
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Sex
  • Anything else

Addiction becomes a problem when it affects your life and that of your friends and family. The danger signs are:

  • You find that you need to use more to get the desired effect; or the same amount has less of an effect than it used to.

  • You use it in larger amounts, or for a longer period of time, than you intended to.

  • You spend a large amount of time obtaining, using, or recovering from the effects of your addiction.

  • You've reduced - or given up - work, recreational or social activities as a result of your addiction.

  • You continue, despite suffering from physical or psychological problems caused by your addiction.

Please share your experiences. Tell us how to live with an addiction and how to kick one. You may really help someone else...

A568721A206894Net Sex AddictionAnti-depressant AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousNarcotics AnonymousGamblers AnonymousAshSolvent AbuseBBC Health - AddictionsAsk a Doctor - Alcohol ProblemHealth - Drugs
1Valium for instance. Also known as 'Mummy's little helper'.

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