A Conversation for Talking Point: What does it mean to be a good friend?


Post 1

zolacakes-aka-Zute(muse of disorder)

I have been very fortunate in the friendship department. I have kept in touch with old friends and have made many new friends over the years. I think the secret to being and having a good friend is no expectations. I accept my friends for who they are and they accept my strange way of looking at the world. I do have one person(aside from my husband)who is,without doubt,my dearest friend in this lifetime! She lives almost 2,000 miles away,but is so close in my heart. I have so much to write about friendship,but not enough time. I do think the world would be quite a better place if we all treated everyone we meet like a friend we're glad to see. That's all for now. Goodbye and have a wonderful tomorrow. smiley - smiley

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