A Conversation for Talking Point: What does it mean to be a good friend?


Post 1

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

I have moved around quite a bit in my life. I know others that have moved a whole lot more so I am not trying to brag or anything. When you get into a new place or situation your family is not always around. (especially if your immediate family is the black sheep of the extended family, they didn't like my mom much cus she didn't stay in a 5 mile radius of where the rest of her family was when she grew up). My family made many family friends that I consider closer to me than most of my blood relatives. These are the people we spend holidays with. They are the ones who stayed up with us at the hospital or the vet as someone we loved passed away or was born. Friends are with you in times of need, celebration, and bordum. I have a wide spread, diverse group of friends and quite frankly I have the military to thank for that (of cource I am not including all the lovely people at h2g2 smiley - winkeye ). Growing up in a military town you might go to school with someone for a few years before they move or they might stay there for a long time. You never know and you grab tightly to these people and you are friends for life no matter where the winds of time might spread you. After I left home for (you guessed it the military) I met people from all over the country that I would never have gotten to meet another way. Some of the bonds that I made in those 4 very short years I don't think will ever fade....there is just something special about a friend that you have been through so much with. That's just my experience though and I know many of you had different paths then me so I look forward to reading about your friends...I think the best way it was ever explained to me is -a friend is someone who knows all your faults, knows about your skeletons in your closet, seen you do very stupid things, but is still willing to spend time with you and is not afraid to tell you your making an @$$ out of yourself

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

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