A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001


Post 1

Researcher 188543

When you come to cick someone form his home and live in it ???????????? what do you think that man will do!!!! Do you expect hem to give you a kiss or hug!!!!!!!!

When Isrel came to cick the people out them land in phlesten and take it with a hug support with Amirica.... That hurrible.

I am Arabic guy and i have been in USA, Also, i have many friend there Adams, shanna, gosh ... and i love all of them but i would like to say that the people in USA have no idea about what is going on out of USA and i am not agree woith what happen in Sep11 but i hop it happened or all the plans hited the fucken evil pentagon. jews lead USA to deth and they control every thing there and they force the gevernemnt to charge the people there Tax and then give most of it to Isral with some show about how isral poor and they have no idea about that isral support India with millons of amercan dollars and support russa.

When Osama ben laden sow that Amireca support Isrel with guns and tanks aginst cheldrns with just ston he want to send a massge to all americans which say " LET ISRAL BINEFIT YOU, ADN YOU HAVE TO TEST WHAT WE TEST EVERY DAY"

Do you think the hiyjackers stupid or don't like to live when they kill them selfes .......No but they reach the limit of persecution.

USA gaverment not peples who respensible for what happen in Sep11 and they have to pay the price.

Don't think if they kill Osama every thing will be write that wrong millions of Osama will appear every where to let Amerca gvernment cry. The people there in USA have to know what amercan gevernment is evil and they ganna bay the price.

All they people around the world hate America gevernment in Japan, Russa, Korea, Iraq, Iran, .......... and they smile now but if all of them is waiting for them apportunity to stick back and the nice amirican people will bay the price without any fault.


You will fund the answer if you r not Americans or American but you can see what happen in the orther country withour CNN OR FOX OR MSN NEWS?

THey hide the trouth and you have no idea about 2500 Amerecan solger had kill in afganstam and i sow a pic for 2500 Amercan pendant which has them names...... I am a lair but you will read it in a book will appear after the wor finsh by 20 years when you became careless about the bast.

Leve the world alon and no one will attack you..

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Post 2

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Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Reading the Guide' to 'Talking Point: 11 September, 2001'.

This Posting has be more to a more relevant area of h2g2 - the h2g2 discussion page for the events of September 11 2001.

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