A Conversation for MaW's Musings
Steeleye Span
Mark Moxon Started conversation Sep 6, 2001
Hooray for Steeleye Span! (OK, they're not a patch on Fairport Convention, but they're not bad, eh!)
Just don't tell Peta. She goes pale whenever she hears 'All around my hat'.
Groovy column, by the way MaW. Keep it up!
Steeleye Span
Post Team Posted Sep 6, 2001
I agree
(rather showing my age here)
I was the head of the Entertainments Committee at my college and was proud to engage Fairport Convention for one of our functions. The following year I managed to book Mott the Hoople a few weeks before they had their number one hit 'All the young dudes'... boy was I popular!
I have met both FC and SS through their long association with Wavendon All Music Plan (Johnny Dankworth and Cleo Laine's excellent music venue/school)
I can only say that their performanced improved with age!
'and if anyone should ask me the reason why I'm wearing it'
Steeleye Span
Bluebottle Posted Sep 6, 2001
My father and sister are big Steeleye Span fans, which is lucky, as Maddy Prior visits the Island regularly.
Although I must confess that my favourite album is "Individually & Collectively", which in my view has a far larger rangfe of theirs.
But everybody, join in: "There were three drunken maidens,
Came from the Isle of Wight...."
Steeleye Span
MaW Posted Sep 10, 2001
Glad you liked the article, Mark. I really must make the effort to get hold of some Fairport Convention music, as from what I hear it is well worth listening to.
* plans a trip to the music shop at the weekend *
I think it's almost time to start writing the next edition...
Steeleye Span
Awix Posted Sep 19, 2001
Maddie Prior? Wasn't she one of Phoenix's clones in the late-70s X-Men comic book...?
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Steeleye Span
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