A Conversation for The Hot Spot!

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 341

Titania (gone for lunch)

sorry, not VOP - VIP!

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 342



"It is coming.

The time is near.


With more intonation:

"The time?

What is the time?

Do we have time?"

Eyes wider, comprehending her surroundings:

"We have time!

Lets us go!"

*Using that space that the movement has created behind her, she nimbly climbs the tree, going higher and higher, swaying with the brances in the wind*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 343

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*climbs just beneath VIP...* You do know that at the count of three you will snap out of it. Right?
...*misses branch in the fog and falls to the ground...*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 344

Titania (gone for lunch)

*up in the tree, VIP will notice that there is no storm, but the branches seem to be moving anyway*

*meanwhile, on ground level, a tree root narrowly misses stepping on Pandora*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 345


Starts to chant:

Um-bra di tey-al mi...
Teh-la mi cho dit-ah ley...

The wind starts to wail, yet the branches cease to wave and dance.All becomes still as the noise increases.

Um-bra di tey-al mi...
Teh-la mi cho dit-ah ley...

dit-ah... LEY!

*All is silent. VIP is cradled by branches, who carry her saferly back to earth, laying her beside Pandora*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 346

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*tries to sit upright...* uugh, hey, you, what's that sound? everything is...

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 347

Titania (gone for lunch)

*the fog is as thick as ever, efficiently hiding everything*

*the noise sounds remarkably like elephants dancing - but no elephants have ever been sighted in the Ethereal Elven Garden*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 348

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*manages to sit up...*smiley - bruised I say...*bounces as the ground shakes...is unable to see VIP but can hear her chanting...goes groping around in the fog like a blind sailor in pea soup...*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 349


*all is still, silent. The fog begins to thin, and the temperature rises. A single bird begins to sing again. A gentle *blop* marks the return of the dolphins*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 350

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Dolphins?smiley - cdoubleOh sure...*falls back onto the ground...*smiley - starOoff

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 351


*Lies Pandora on the earth and covers her in the blanket, which, remarkably was exactly as it was left. The mist begins to clear back to the thin wisps that began all those posts ago*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 352

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*dreams that mama is tucking her into bed...*smiley - zzz

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 353

Pandora...Born Again Tart

so, why was your name reset...someone afraid you might offend Royalty or sumthin'?

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 354


smiley - blush no, it was rather an advert I put in it... Nyssabird wanted males to be subjected to massage in the Jacuzzi...smiley - blush

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 355

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 356


*Slides out of the mist.*

Hallo? Anyone there?

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 357

Titania (gone for lunch)

*with the arrival of the new visitor, the mist grows thicker again*

*the earth beneath their feet starts vibrating*

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 358



What's going on here?

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 359

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*awakens to Mystunners in the mist...*smiley - yikes
...*firmly shoves VIP out of the way...draws her saber from it's half sheath...*smiley - crossAre you following me? And if so why? Are you wanting me to autograph my picture for you?smiley - kiss*sigh*So many men...so little ink...smiley - winkeye...Don't let my beauty fool you. I can be leathal! 'specaly when I've had alot of mead an' stuff. smiley - bigeyessmiley - cross

Lost in The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 360


*Draws back cautiously.*

Um. Yeah. Hey, I just thought you might like some help, that's all. Where is this place?

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