The Music of the Cat(woman)

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Greetings, pop-pickers!

I too have volunteered to help maintain the MuG pages so I thought I'd tell you lovely people a wee bit about Catwoman and music. Treat this as proof of my right to be member, if you wish.

smiley - musicalnote

Musical (In)Ability

What seems like a very long time ago I was a semi-professional musician - I played the drums in three bands in Manchester, UK and spent most of my time playing gigs, rehearsing, writing, etc.. I play my drums very little these days but instead am learning to play the guitar. I teach in a primary school these days and have guitar lessons once a week from a tutor, although thankfully not at the same time as the kids.

Love of Music

A surreal looking guitar against a trippy blue background

I have loved music since the age of about five, beginning with my Dad's Beatles collection and his Lovin' Spoonful 'Daydream' single. Since then I have come to realise that music is what makes life worth living, becoming almost fanatical in my pursuits.

The artists that have changed the world for me are (in no particular order)

I'm also partial to a little bit of classical: Strauss's 'The Blue Danube' (from the shuttle docking sequence in 2001: A Space Odyssey) and John Williams's Star Wars stuff (there's a recurrent theme there, somewhere). Also quite like Michael Nyman and Andrew Poppy (if anyone else out there knows of him).

Feel free to discuss any or all of them with me.

Ciao for now!


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