A Conversation for Mornington Crescent - the Game

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 81

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Seems a bit common but...


First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 82

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

* pulls a card from the Community Chest *

Proceed to the Clapham omnibus and ride it to the terminus. Do not pass Mornington Crescent.

smiley - erm

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 83

John, Camus' Disciple.

UM, Beginner here! Still learning the basics. So correct me if I'm violating this variant, but I think Warwick Avenue is quite sufficient

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 84

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

* Pulls another card from the Community Chest *

"Mr Bunn the Baker"... OK, who packed the set away last time? smiley - erm

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 85

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Dollis Hill (Stovold, 1922).

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 86


Tooting Beck

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 87


Uxbridge Rd

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 88

Moonglum Clampflower (MornC), Muse of Ego, Keeper of the Lamp and Guru, (aka Happinose)

Using the north wing gambit, I shall neatly avoid Euston (and of course the loopback to oxford circus) and play ...


smiley - cheers

smiley - crescentmoonsmiley - biggrin

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 89


Hmm... tough...


smiley - crescentmoon

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 90

Moonglum Clampflower (MornC), Muse of Ego, Keeper of the Lamp and Guru, (aka Happinose)

Hmmm... Oh I see. You're playing the signal bypass route. Very nice. Quite easy to fall in to the High Barnett, Edgeware Road, Mornington Crescent trap. However, use of the Swedish inversion rule at this point would put pressure towards Canary Warf, assuming of course that the DLR is in play. The 1932 rule ammendment about the Central Line and the signal failure clauses didn't take this into account so I'll play the safe route and drop down to ...


How's that for a slip.

smiley - cheers

smiley - crescentmoonsmiley - biggrin

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 91


[please take note at this point I have not played this game properly before, so I don't have quite the repertoire... as long as this game involves what I think it does then I'll see what I can do]

Waterloo huh. Well, unfortunately that blocks of my first choice, via the First Option Rule of 1983, meaning that I shall have to instead use the Interrogation tactic and say:

Parsons Green

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 92


Tufnell Park

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 93

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Tufnell Park?! Are you playing to loose? Or do I detect a faint hint of the Nyquist/Palomer game of 1908.

Well, you've forced my hand:

Dollis Hill.


First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 94


Well at least he didn't say Elephant and Castle or I would have been forced to recall the Tabletop rule of 1942. As it is, you leave me easy ground to say:

Kensington High St

smiley - crescentmoon

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 95


I'm afraid that's an elementary mistake- under the Berko/Gleason alteration of 1961, I can now say, with the greatest of confidence:


First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 96


Ah! You've left youself easy...

Royal Oak

smiley - crescentmoon

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 97

Scarab (Herbert West)

You cannnot. You are blatantly in Spoon.

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 98

Alex A (Keeper of 7)

Rule variants are for wimps - inventive play is quite posssible under the original Wells version:

Elephant and Castle

First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 99

Scarab (Herbert West)

Borough, then.


First game (Mornington Crescent)

Post 100


Fine, fine...


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