A Conversation for The Great Marmite Poll

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Post 641


smiley - biggrin

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Post 642

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

neway.. back to the point... marmite is wonderful!!!

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Post 643


No its not

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Post 644

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)


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Post 645


I can see things going downhill from now...

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Post 646

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)


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Post 647


*sigh* Just think of that poor person who'll have to wade through the backlog to update the vote one rainy day smiley - sadface

smiley - grovel

smiley - winkeye

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Post 648


The poor, poor sod...

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Post 649

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

yeah.. were really sorry btw!! honest!!!

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Post 650


Love it ...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

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Post 651

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)



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Post 652


Oh good- the non-Marmiteers were strting to take over for a while; it's good that sanity has returned.

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Post 653


smiley - ok

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Post 654

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)


all wrship the marmite god....

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Post 655


Well, I wouldn't go that far...

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Post 656

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

i would

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Post 657


Just coz you're allowed to eat it and I'm not...

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Post 658

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)


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Post 659


(I'm not supposed to eazt it but I had some marmite on toast the other day- boy it was wonderful!)

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Post 660

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

ummm. it was worth it!!

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