A Conversation for The Great Marmite Poll

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Post 621


He said he misses you terribly

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Post 622

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

and.,. why hasnt he replied to the email i sent him??

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Post 623


His computer is down

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Post 624

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

oh.. poo

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Post 625


He said he`ll try to contact you though

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Post 626

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

smiley - smiley

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Post 627


smiley - ok

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Post 628

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

smiley - biggrin

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Post 629


smiley - bubbly?

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Post 630

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

of course as long as you 'kids' have stopped fighting..

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Post 631


Me and Former?
No way!

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Post 632

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

well, (speaking from her far superior status on an experienced eighteen years, making her a mature responsible adult!) you children are making a wreck of that bar, i dont even know why you are allowed in there!!

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Post 633



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Post 634

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)


god damn it!!! shut up

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Post 635



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Post 636

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

smiley - weird

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Post 637


smiley - silly

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Post 638

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

smiley - laughsmiley - cheerup

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Post 639


smiley - cheers

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Post 640

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

smiley - biggrin

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