A Conversation for The h2g2 Post 22.03.10
Smudger879n Started conversation Mar 28, 2010
I was reading the editorial and was interested in that part when they found posts on the Internet.
I also got a shock recently when I found my Snippets in there, I found them by accident. Just goes to show how much stuff is on there.
It seems even if you delete everything via the control panel and run Ccleaner it does not get rid of it all.
Mind you, I cant really complain, as I found this site trough an item I saw about the sinking of a tanker off the coast of Cornwall, and clicked on that, as I part of the rescue crew one one of the sips that was sent out there. Smudger.
Post Team Posted Mar 28, 2010
Cheers, Smudger. I try to keep the PC clean of unnecessary data, but things which have been published on the www are not connected to things on your PC, so how ever clean you keep your PC will not influence what is on the www. And I agree, it is great that h2g2 is there. And many people make a living of the www. I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I'll still be more careful.
Smudger879n Posted Mar 29, 2010
Aye!, mind you it did not bother me as such, more of a surprise really, it means that more folk have access to them, that otherwise would not have seen them.
I just hope that the bloke who wrote that book, I mentioned on one of them, does not see it.
Mk2 has a cousin who is already a well known author, maybe they could give me a few pointers, Eh!
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