A Conversation for Talking Point: Things that are Irredeemably Tacky

Irredeemably tacky - an oxymoron(!)

Post 1


Irredeemably tacky? - There is no such thing! (one thingkssmiley - smiley

'Kitsch' was incredibly popular until recently (but not so much anymore?) and some of those items were definiely what a lot of people would have deemed very tacky indeed a year previously(!)

So no, I think that "irredeemably tacky" is an oxymoron. Not to say that we shouldn't DO such a list: the idea is very funny, but be prepared to find some of the things you put down as tacky in your own living room a year latersmiley - smiley


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Irredeemably tacky - an oxymoron(!)

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