A Conversation for Radiohead - Plagarists?

getting on better with my associate employee contemporaries

Post 1


I am not sure if the people that have written and read this are fans of the band Radiohead or not... I would only venture to say to check out some of the official radiohead sites. Thom Yorke (cutie pie supreme) states himself the similarities between HHG and OK Computer. These were obvious similarities, I think anyone who has read the books and who is a fan of the band picked up on that right away. I believe sometimes imitation is the best form of flattery and let's be serious here for a moment...a countless number of sites dedicated to one of the most brilliant books ever written (one being the screen you're staring at)... so let Thom and the rest of the band pay homage as well... Two of my favorite things together...at once...

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getting on better with my associate employee contemporaries

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