A Conversation for Radiohead - Plagarists?

paranoid android

Post 1


also, if you listen closely during the chorus of Paranoid Android, you can hear the from a later track(fitter + happier) saying, "my name is marvin, I am paranoid android".

Speaking of the computer voice, and Fitter + Happier. I've always seen the spoken word track as being a potential rant of Marvins about the futility of humans.

paranoid android

Post 2

Researcher 177704

i always thought that the computer 'guy' was saying 'i may be paranoid, but i am no android.' during the chorus. Go look at the lyrics on the rather excellent website- [URL Removed By Moderator}

note to H2G2 karma police- please don't hurt me for my use of an external URL. I'm a nice person, really i am.

paranoid android

Post 3


Is this link to lyrics ok?

paranoid android

Post 4


DON'T CLICK ON THAT LINK!!!! It sent me popups today, didn't do that yesterday! Here are the lyrics:

"Paranoid Android"

Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest
From all the unborn chicken voices in my head
What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but not an android)
What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but not an android)

When I am king, you will be first against the wall
With your opinion which is of no consequence at all
What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but no android)
What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but no android)

Ambition makes you look pretty ugly
Kicking and squealing gucci little piggy
You don't remember
You don't remember
Why don't you remember my name?
Off with his head, man
Off with his head, man
Why don't you remember my name?
I guess he does....

Rain down, rain down
Come on rain down on me
From a great height
From a great height... height...
Rain down, rain down
Come on rain down on me
From a great height
From a great height... height...
Rain down, rain down
Come on rain down on me

TThat's it, sir
You're leaving
The crackle of pigskin
The dust and the screaming
The yuppies networking
The panic, the vomit
The panic, the vomit
God loves his children, God loves his children, yeah!

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