A Conversation for The H2G2 Queen Fan Club

New Member

Post 601


227070, the easiest way to chat to people here is actually through your Space. If you click on 'Edit Page' then you can modify yours and let people talk to you. If you click on 'Preferences' then you can change your name too. Though be careful- what you choose now will stick with you for a long time!

I *still* haven't seen the Flash film or even heard the soundtrack. I've heard the main theme, of course, but the film looks as though it could be (unintentionally) funny. Well, most sci-fi films qualify under that catergory for my, but hey. smiley - smiley

New Member

Post 602

Lady in a tree

I cannot hear the name Gordon without hearing Brian Blessed in my head saying "Gordon's alive!"

You must see the film Vip - it is soooooo funny! As for the music...


Post 603


PEDBOY-keeper of smelly Veeblefetzers and expert on all things shallow, (camels) A965810


Post 604

Mad ?? im livid !!

hi i would love to join the fan club ive been a massive fan since 1974 plus my name is a brian may albumsmiley - bubbly


Post 605

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

i would like to join the QUEEN fan club please


Post 606

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

i would like to join the QUEEN fan club please

MY fav track of all time was i want to break free i love that track smiley - smiley


Post 607



I want to break free.
I want to breeeeeeak freeeeee.....


Post 608

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Vip hello smiley - smiley
smiley - cool can you sing the rest of it now please smiley - biggrin

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove


Post 609


just passingsmiley - run please check the new queen page smiley - smiley


Post 610


smiley - zoomsmiley - zoom


Post 611

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

rooftiler U228580


Post 612

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - biggrin

New Member

Post 613

Researcher 232590

hello my name is not really knobguy it was the only one free!
i love Queen!
they ROCK!
i play the piano!
i am also single!!!!!!!
i have blonde hair & blue eyes!
i have a MGF
and a Audi A4.

New Member

Post 614

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - smiley

New Member

Post 615

Researcher 178815

Hi all,

If you've been wondering where I've gotten to, read my space.

First of all, LittleDarlin, the badge is on A608663. Simply copy the code there onto your user space. You'll need to be space-'ing under GuideML for it to work. smiley - smiley

Ron, (Researcher 227070), if you click the Preferences button (<./>UserDetails</.&gtsmiley - winkeye, you can change your nick name from Researcher 227070 to Ron, or whatever you like. smiley - smiley

Researcher 232590, Please tell me what you want your name on the list to be. For now I'll put it on as Researcher 232590, because h2g2 seem to have reset it - maybe they didn't like what name you previously chose?

Besides that, the following h2g2 researchers have been added as members:
- LittleDarlin
- Snowman
- Lou
- Summerbayexile
- Pedboy
- Researcher 227070 (Ron)
- Midnight Angel
- rooftiler
- Researcher 232590

Any anomolies, let me know. smiley - smiley

New Member

Post 616

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - cool
But could you please add INTERN..2 as well please he did aply round same time as my self thanx..

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

New Member

Post 617

Researcher 178815

Consider it done. My browser just crashed and I lost the new list, so it wasn't updated, so sure. smiley - smiley

New Member

Post 618

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - cheers thanx a lot..

oo bet you could have cussed your browser or probally did even smiley - biggrin

New Member

Post 619

Star Fleet...

smiley - magic

New Member

Post 620

Researcher 178815

It's Opera 7.11 on Linux; It likes to go to sleep now and then, not sure why - Konqueror doesn't. smiley - erm

Anyway, A607033 and A362828 are now updated (Little link to the goo fan club there. smiley - winkeye)

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