A Conversation for ACF Scientific Research Facility and Armoury

The Cloning Vat

Post 161

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

YK, you stole that from "Mr.T v.s. Cats: an 'all your base' parody".... But it was still cool!

The Cloning Vat

Post 162

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

Now it's my turn!
*Fires the HUGE blast at Mr. T.*

The Cloning Vat

Post 163

Dizzy H. Muffin

[But Mr. T is no longer there. He disappeared after he completed that last attack, like any summon spell. However ...]

[YK] Eep.

[YK gets blown backwards through the wall behind him.]

The Cloning Vat

Post 164

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

The Cloning Vat

Post 165

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

Now that I'm done with YK it's your turn, Clipboard.
*IST begins to slowly toward Clipboard, his eyes are glowing red.*
I wish there was an evil grin smiley.

The Cloning Vat

Post 166

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK re-enters, wearing a Met Hat. (You know, the construction-helmet things Metools wear.)]

[YK] And here we are, folks. I'm Still Thinking is ready for his third battle here, with one loss, and one win six seconds later! Now, I'm Still Thinking, super Saiyan, is about to fight ... Clipboard!

[The Met Hat pops up, revealing that it is still occupied by a Metool.]

[Metool] Nerp?

The Cloning Vat

Post 167

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

*A red robot all of a sudden teleports in...*
Zero: I am here to inform you that CapCom is sueing you YK for 10,000,000 dollars.
*The (much better than X) red robot teleports out...*

The Cloning Vat

Post 168

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero teleports in.]

[Zero] What ...? Who was that??

Sorry, too late, I already got Zero! smiley - biggrin

The Cloning Vat

Post 169

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard draws his beam sword and says, "No force of man, god, or ape can stop me! Prepare your self!". Then, he charges at IST with his beam sword in front of him.]

The Cloning Vat

Post 170

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] [hits the Metool with a mallet, producing a DING! sound] And the challenger charges at I'm Still Thinking, weapon drawn, and prepared to strike!

The Cloning Vat

Post 171

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[As he slahes at IST with the beam sword, Clipboard leaps into the air, giving IST no chance to strike back. From in the air, Clipboard switches his weapon to a Missle launcher and fires a spread of missles at IST]

[Clipboard] :

Have at you!

The Cloning Vat

Post 172

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

*The smoke clears to reveal IST is missing an arm.*
I'm going to KILL you now.
*IST begins to charge up...*
YK what cool Mega Man characters do you not control. You can't control all of them.

The Cloning Vat

Post 173

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Roll enters.]

Says who?? smiley - winkeye

Let's see ... I /do/ have
Mega Man/Rock
Dr. Wily
Eight original Robot Masters
All your Bass are belong to us!
Guts Man
Quick Man
Frog Man

[Roll exits.]

The Cloning Vat

Post 174

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

smiley - erm you should make text metools... you know, like how Greebo makes text cats?

/=+==(~)( -)

Ohh, i'm no good at this, you figureit out, and I'll stick with text chocobos...

/ )

The Cloning Vat

Post 175

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Metool] Nerp.

The Cloning Vat

Post 176

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

Okay, that gives me the info I need.
*All of a sudden a strange figure appears...*
Sigma: I'm here to tell that your being sued by Capcom for 20,000,000 dollars, they're sueing you for more because we found out how many characters you've stolen. About 300,000 last time I heard.
*The strange figure disappears...*
I'm not being b*tchy YK, it's just that I've never seen that many characters controled by one person before. Good job. smiley - winkeyesmiley - cool

The Cloning Vat

Post 177

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard Continues to float in the air...]

[Clipboard] :

IST, you seem to have trouble staying on task...

The Cloning Vat

Post 178

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

*IST stops chargeing up.*
I'm not mad anymore.
*The missing arm grows back.*
I think I'll go now. Tra la la la la la.
*IST walks off, apparently he forgot to take his anti-good-natured medication.*

The Cloning Vat

Post 179

Dizzy H. Muffin

[[I'm Still Thinking retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to parting shots from Yaradovich Kramer, Bass, Treble, Sea, Clipboard, Sigma, Roll, or Red Dog.]]

The Cloning Vat

Post 180

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

Sigma telported out, remember?

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