A Conversation for ACF Scientific Research Facility and Armoury

The Cloning Vat

Post 141

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Sits back and watches]

The Cloning Vat

Post 142

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] Now, now, now, that's another problem! Invincibility! There's also a limit to the defense/shields/protection you can have! It isn't kosher to just have the bullets bounce off you. Maybe they can miss, or knock you back ten feet if you're wearing a bulletproof vest, or you could dodge them a la "The Matrix", or they could maybe even injure you, but just BOUNCING OFF YOU?? Yes, I know Metools* do it, but unless I'm very much mistaken, you're not a Metool. Do something more creative than that. And by the way, who fired the bullets? Not OOFS man; he launched 21 rockets.

[*Footnote: A Metool, in the Mega Man games, is a little black ball with a face and legs that hides under a construction helmet. When it's hiding, it can't be hurt.]

The Cloning Vat

Post 143

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

In Mega Man X, the metools can chase you... I hate it when they do that.

The Cloning Vat

Post 144

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] And in Mega Man MUSH, they say "nerp".

[Metool] Nerp?

[YK] Nerp.

The Cloning Vat

Post 145

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

On the other hand I like when they're in the password screen in "X", and I like how they've become sort of mascots for the game... So I guess I'm a bit conflicted.

The Cloning Vat

Post 146

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] Metools are cool.

[Metool] Nerp~!

The Cloning Vat

Post 147

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

I suppose they are.

The Cloning Vat

Post 148

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

YK, invincibility is not my thing.
Try hiting me with someing bigger than a single bullet, or maybe lots of bullets. I'm trying to make my character a Saiyin from Dragonball Z, so a single bullet won't effect him but, 100 or more will.

The Cloning Vat

Post 149

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

YK, ignore that posting. I got all confused with two people firing at me.
*Rockets hit IST.*

The Cloning Vat

Post 150

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] WHAT!? Saiyans are too powerful for ANY of my -- Wait a minute.


[YK holds up a milk jug and starts glowing a golden color. And then, a large black man -- obviously a former pro wrestler -- with a mohawk and a beard and wearing golden chains enters.]

[[Summon: Mr. T]]

[Mr. T] I pity the foo' who summons me who ain't got some milk to show for it!

[YK hands Mr. T the milk jug. Mr. T drinks.]

[Mr. T] Thanks, foo'! What's goin' on?

[YK] Remember when Macc Maverick had you go up against Vegeta?

[Mr. T] Sure, foo'!

[YK] We've got another guy here who only you can defeat. [gestures at IST]

The Cloning Vat

Post 151

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

*Transforms into Full Power Super Saiyan 3, the form Goku didn't have enough energy to transform into near the end of the series.*
Bring it on, Mr. T!

The Cloning Vat

Post 152

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

Mr T. doesn't have a mohawk, he has a "MoFro"

The Cloning Vat

Post 153

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost MoFro, and mo gold than anyone I've ever seen. He could blind Ist with all that gold.

The Cloning Vat

Post 154

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

He's the only person I know of who's gotten away with wearing medallions of different religions on broad cast TV...

The Cloning Vat

Post 155

Dizzy H. Muffin

[[Giga Punch]]

[Mr. T punches IST across the room]

The Cloning Vat

Post 156

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

[Clipboard leaps out of IST's path accross the room.]

The Cloning Vat

Post 157

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

*Charges Mr. T and tackles him, to the ground and punchs him repeatedly.*

The Cloning Vat

Post 158

Dizzy H. Muffin

[The punches simply bounce off Mr. T's gold chains]

[Mr. T] Ha! You can't hurt me as long as I'm wearin' my chains, foo'!

[[Pity the Foo']]

[Mr. T] I pity the foo' who tries to take down a 80's pop culture icon like me! [throws IST helluva far]

The Cloning Vat

Post 159

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

To steal an attack from Vegeta, Final Flash!

The Cloning Vat

Post 160

Dizzy H. Muffin

[The attack bounces off Mr. T's gold chains.]

[Mr. T] Umm ... you STILL can't hurt me as long as I'm wearin' my chains, foo'! I'm gonna teach this sucka a lesson!

[{Limit Break - Mr. T}]

[{Teach This Sucka a Lesson}]

[Mr. T grabs IST and starts swinging him around the room. All sorts of items are smashed this way, including what's left of the cloning tank. He also hits most of the other characters here. He finally lets go, sending IST flying through the air, and eventually getting thrown out of the room. Mr. T stands with his arms crossed.]

[Mr. T] I pity the foo', thug, o' soul who tries to take over the world, then runs home cryin' to his mama!

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