A Conversation for The Cathouse

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Post 281

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

*Ice hisses at the speaker*
The choice is not yours to make Cyber...
*He looks back at Sea, waiting paitently*
Just drink Ma Petite. Trust and drink...

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Post 282

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

No, jsut two seasmiley - erm And I really wouldn'tsmiley - erm

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Post 283

soeasilyamused, or sea

*glances at sarge*

it's okay, sarge. i trust him.

*sea goes over to ice, looks at him for a moment, then drinks*

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Post 284

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Oh yes, you are both STUMPED, aren't you?smiley - erm


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Post 285

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

*Ice takes a deep breath as Sea begins to take blood. With each drink Sea seems to look more healthy and a small aura of energy begins to crackle around here. After a few moments Ice tries to pull his arm away. He is looking a bit paler as Sea looks more robust. With a final pull he gets his arm from Sea and licks his wound to close it. Sea who just a moment ago looked clamy and weak from blood loss now littarly glows with the power in her. Now Ma petite you are the most powerfull human to ever walk the earth. How do you feel?
Would you like me to show you your new powers?...

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Post 286

soeasilyamused, or sea

*grins, excited*

yes, please!

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Post 287

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Holdin on to the troops are we. Must be Bad times for ya
smiley - dogsmiley - pirate

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Post 288

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

The first and most basic lesson of the blood is strength or "Potence" focus the energy in you into your muscles and strike. THis is a constant power thats always in effect, observe.

*Ice turns and opens a portal, out of which he pulls 2 punching bags. He pulls back and punches one, at the contact it explodes into a cloud of sawdust*

You try. smiley - smiley

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Post 289

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

You might want build them up a bit first.

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Post 290

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

The wonderfull thing about preternatural strength is you don't nessicerly need to show it. A small 5 year old child with enough training and power could easily knock any human unconsious with a single blow. They make great assassins.

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Post 291

sea - logging on from w*rk - using alab*ster BLECH!

smiley - laugh

*sea takes a deep breath, focuses, and hits the punching bag with all her might*

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Post 292

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

lf you say so. a person can be killed with the least amount of effort. but plenty of training is required to do it. l prefer not to harm unless nessesary.

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Post 293

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

You'd be surprised how easy it is to learn to use powers that are supplied by your blood.

*With Sea's punch the surface of the bag tears open and sand and sawdust spill out*

Excellent Ma Petite.
You have strength down just keep practicing and the power will improve dramaticly. Now for speed. This is more of a conscious effort. Focus the the energy into your muscles again but this time think of moving quickly and focus on your heartbeat. Think of speeding it up to incredible speeds and feel your blood heat with the power.
*Ice focuses for a split second and there is a small breeze.*

*In the blink of an eye Ice speaks while standing behind Sea and across the room*

Just that simple.

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Post 294

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

l like to keep my blood how it is. lnside and coarsing. Blood it does a body good. Used properly of course.

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Post 295

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

I like it fresh and courseing too Kid. *Smiles to show just a hint of fang* of course I'm almost certain we're thinking of differant things.

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Post 296

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

lf you want my blood like that. Well just hope that never dying thing holds true. l have a attack designed to devestate. And l keep a Rosery around. smiley - laugh

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Post 297

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

As do I.
*Unbuttons the top button of his shirt to reveal a silver crucifix*
Faith is a powerfull thing, but some legends are just that.

Besides how do you know you would fight so much. The "Kiss" is said to be one of the most pleasurable sensations a human can experiance. There's a reason our prey never fights once we bite. Even the most strong willed mortal has trouble fighting against something that feel that good. Have you ever been bitten?

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Post 298

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Look guy l've seen things you can't believe. l've seen voodoo women. Devil worshipers and dark spirits. Not to mention near death. One think l know is evil can't harm Good. as long if the sreanth of god is with them. Nonbelievers you might can touch. But those that walk with God you may kill but not destroy. Their has been numerous times that l should be dead but l breathe. So does that tell you something. Vampires what a joke lol

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Post 299

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

I never said that I wished to destroy you, or even to harm you for that matter. All I implied was an "exchange" so to speak.

I do not challenge your faith. I too am a devout believer in God and I did not choose this path willingly. The history of my kind goes back as far as the first biblical texts. Back when my great-great-grandsire was cursed by god to be one of us. I belive you may know of his name, He was Caine. Brother to Abel and cursed by God after he sacrificed his brother. He was cursed to walk forever and not die, to eat only ashes and drink only blood. He was cursed to never be able to stand the eye of god (the sun) or the wrath of Michel's sword (fire). He was cursed to never be loved only hated and that should ever seek to make children they would be like him, cursed to eternal unlife and seperation from the one above. I was attacked and turned against my will and I would never seek to do that to another person EVER.

I have been around for mellenia. If only because of time, I have seen more than your limited existance can ever hope to grasp please to not insult my ideals. You speak of seeing things supernatural that I would not belive. I am a being of the supernatural yet the greatest evils I have ever witnessed have been perpetrated by your fellow humans. Several of which claim to be strong followers of faith. I have seen depradations and moral outrages that would make you wish you had never been born.

You "Kine" are the joke not us. And for the most part you mearly prey.

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Post 300

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Well it would seem l touched a nerve. Twas my intent in the 1st place. l worry more about what's on cable than you types. l guess l should leave you to your whatever. So l won't be Vamp Bait. God if they knew the types of other worldly things l have dealt with amatures l tell ya. Seen the devil. l had a night terroronce where my eyes were open l saw my room. and a wicked voice Said And you think you control the wind. So if y'all can pull something like that l might be mildly amused.

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