A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Started conversation Nov 2, 2003
The Bombshell Goddess takes from nowhere and creates a nice little caverned area. Then she makes it so that anyone, god(dess), mortal and/or otherwise (this means you Art!), that enters this area turns into a little worm. God powers still apply, as long as one does not change the form of oneself or another. The Bombshell goddess sits and waits patiently to see if anyone dare take up this very weird and silly battle field.
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Jan 11, 2004
(I could play, but I'd "offically" retired a while ago... so it wouldn't mean anything. I got tired of playing by "the rules".)
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