A Conversation for Snuggle Bunnies

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 21


The PTB have given a green light in regards to this entry. It doesn't break the Editorial Policy so discuss away! smiley - winkeye


A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 22

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

It's good to hear that I have not broken the rules.

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 23

C Hawke

It never was a case of broken rules, we don't excile researchers for not sticking to the guidelines for redited entries, in fact, we welcome them as some can be slightly modified to meet the guidelines and others may never become edited but will always be great fun entries.

So now you have to wait to see if any scouts like it enough.....smiley - winkeye


A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 24


AAaah, the fourteen letter S word... for those who think it's sickly, you might want to say soemthing about the origin of the word; to me, it's pure Bloom County....

I like this entry, and indeed I think it has the potential to be perfect guide fodder because it gives information about soemthing that many people do, without really being aware of whether other people do it too, and thus how natural it must be! Thhis guide covers the subject that other leave out. QED.

...but I still think that food should be allowed smiley - winkeye

smiley - smileysmiley - blackcat

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 25

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Here's a Scout who *does* like it enough! smiley - smiley

Alas, my turn to recommend entries will be no sooner than three weeks from now smiley - erm

Bossel (Scout)

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 26

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Would it help if it was changed from "No food" to "Food is only if both bunnies agree before hand and the food would cause no crumbs that would atract ants." Somthing like that smiley - biggrin anyway?

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 27

C Hawke

Mmmm, Cloviscat, although I agree the word is pure Bloom county (which is why I noticed it), the concept is slightly different. It's late and I don't want to go thru my volumess but I thought the Bloom County "Snuggle Bunnies" was, lets say, a bit more physical,indeed I seem to remember the term "Sweaty Snuggle Bunnies" used (at this point Opus had to lie down or something)

For those of you who haven't a clue what we are talking about then tough, although you can find out some of it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A292475


A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 28

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Hi Tacsatduck! Remember me? I'm glad that so many people like your entry. Would you like it to be part of the game index aswell?

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 29


Food bit sounds fine Tacsatduck smiley - smiley

Of course, part of the joke in Bloom County was to talk about the 'S' word, and then come out with (admittedlt ridiculuous) 'Snugglebunnies' instead. Most of Opus' fantasies seemd to deal with the standard Snugbunnies described here (but usually involving anchovies or hosetess ding-dongs - food again!). Sweaty snugglebunnies, as Tacsatduck says, is a totally different game....

My, what a serious conversation smiley - winkeye

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 30

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Bloom county, I read some of the strips but I am not too familiar with it. This other strip I read is often times compared with Bloom County its called Liberty Meadows.

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 31


Which begs the question: where did you get the phrase from?

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 32

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Actually I thought the phrase was well known. I didn't really come up with or anything, but have been taught basically that it was called Snuggle Bunnies. Its kind of on the same lines as Eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses. Originally when I wrote the piece before I put it up for peer review I told the story of why I wrote it. Sense that story was all in the first person I figured it would be best to leave it out and stick to the main point of the paper.

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 33


Well, responding to peer review has paid off, Tacsatduck, because this entry has just been approved for entry into the edited guide! Please be patient while it goes to the Sub-Eds, and soon you'll see it on the front page!

Well done!

smiley - smileysmiley - blackcat

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 34

Shea the Sarcastic

YAY!!!™ I knew it! smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly Congrats!


Post 35

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

If they have not been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next. Meanwhile you can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/SubEditors-Process



Post 36

Nick Fel

Oh good smiley - smiley I saw this entry a while back and liked it, even if some peeps were giving it a hard time :/
I'll be recieving my next batch for editting soon, I hope this is among them smiley - biggrin


Post 37

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

sounds good to me smiley - biggrin


Post 38

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Now, does anybody want to tell me again that I've got a warped sense of Guide-worthy material? smiley - winkeye

smiley - bubbly and a


A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 39

404 "File Not Found" (SUB, 40+2/3+28=42)

Hey ppl. I'm the sub on this entry, I'd just like to let you know. What is this entry?! It is the weirdest thing that I've come across as a sub. Unfortunatly, we can't reject entries any more. How this thing got through Peer Review, I don't know (no offence or anything)!

A580961-Snuggle Bunnies

Post 40

unremarkable: Lurker, OMFC, LPAS

geez, 404 thats brutal smiley - smiley

Key: Complain about this post