A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2281

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

Well if it is shoocre tuc had a thoery that it could cure any aliment a human had, but I don't know if he tested it

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2282

The Ghost of Polidari

Okay then - looks like it's up to me...

* Grabs a glass, dunks it in the barrel. Pulls it out full. Raises it.

Here's to tuc

* Downs it in one.

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2283

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

*watches polidari closely for any adverse effects*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2284

The Ghost of Polidari

* Has a sit down just in case...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2285

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

*hopes the mixture in not the new turbo fuel tuc was experimenting with*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2286

plato <surfer>

*has a greeh and pets snowy*smiley - sadface

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2287

The Ghost of Polidari

* has similar hopes...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2288

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

*notices that his face has gone extremly red*
Are you o.k pol?

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2289

The Ghost of Polidari

harraa - hurph - sptoey - fine thanks. Just a little after-burn....

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2290

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

*see that his pants are on fire*

You might want to put them out

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2291

The Ghost of Polidari

Hey baby - my pants are always on fire!

* looks down and sees what Dax means.

Ah - see what you mean . Does anybody happen to have a bucket of water on them?

* Tries hard not to panic...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2292

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

*dax picks up the nearst think which happens to be the barrel of shoocre and throws it over him*

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2293

The Ghost of Polidari

* there is a loud 'poof' noise and the world goes very bright for a couple of seconds...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2294

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

*Grabs soda-fountain from the bar & squirts it at Poli*

Best that comes to hand I'm afraid!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2295

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

OOps, just too late!

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2296

The Ghost of Polidari

* The world slowly come into focus. As things start to clear Polidari opens his eyes and receives a face full of soda water.

Well that's to be expected...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2297

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Sure, I cound not get my marshmallows out in time.

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2298

The Ghost of Polidari

Looks like my marshmallows are pretty well cooked...

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2299

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

*Stops squirting the blackened Poli - feels the spaces where his(Ugi's) eyebrows used to be*

What the hell....

Cabin 13 (III) The Lighthouse Bar

Post 2300

The Ghost of Polidari

* Feels a little on the charred side.

* That's a bit painful. Feels a little on the non-charred side just to compare.

* Sees a pair of caterpillars on the carpet.

Erghh - caterpillars!!!!

* Quickly gets up and stamps on Ugi's eyebrows...

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